The following table states how long waivers last and explains how to renew them: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(a) Small Miner............. One assessment year. Apply for a small
miner waiver by
each September 1.(b) Soldiers' and Sailors' Until six months Your waiver is
Civil Relief Act. after you are automatically
released from renewed if you
active duty status continue to meet
or from a military the qualifications.
hospital, whichever You must notify BLM
is later. when you leave
active duty status.(c) Reclamation............. One assessment year. Apply for a
reclamation waiver
by each September
1.(d) Denial of Access........ One assessment year. Apply for waiver
certification by
each September 1.(e) Mineral Patent Until patent issues None. If the final
Application with Final or the final certificate is
Certificate. certificate is canceled, you must
canceled. BLM will pay the required
not refund fees beginning on
previously the September 1
deposited annual immediately
maintenance fees to following the
a mineral patent cancellation or
applicant. file a different
form of waiver if
you qualify.------------------------------------------------------------------------