This table summarizes the requirements for requesting assistance under the program. The requirements are described in more detail in the sections that follow. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type of assistance requested How to request assistance------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Request Reclamation to conduct an Submit a statement of
appraisal investigation. interest as described in
Sec. 404.16. Reclamation
will then advise you
whether you are eligible to
submit a full proposal.2. Request funding to conduct an appraisal Submit a statement of
investigation yourself or through a interest as described in
contractor. Sec. 404.16. Reclamation
will then advise you
whether you are eligible to
submit a full proposal.3. Request Reclamation to conduct a Submit a full proposal as
feasibility study. described in Sec. 404.20.4. Request funding to conduct a Submit a full proposal as
feasibility study yourself or through a described in Sec. 404.20.
contractor.5. Request Reclamation to review and Submit the investigation or
approve an appraisal investigation or a study and a cover letter to
feasibility study completed without your local Reclamation
Reclamation assistance. office, as described in
Sec. 404.25.------------------------------------------------------------------------