Each notice of proposed rulemaking required by statute, executive order, or by Sec. 1.4 will be published in the Federal Register and will include:
(a) The substance or terms of the proposed rule or a description of the subject matter and issues involved.
(b) A statement of how and to what extent interested persons may participate in the proceeding.
(c) Where participation is limited to written comments, a statement of the time within which such comments must be submitted.
(d) A reference to the legal authority under which the proposal is issued.
(e) In a proceeding which has provided Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, an analysis of the principal issues and recommendations raised by the comments, and the manner in which they have been addressed in the proposed rulemaking.
(f)(1) A brief statement setting forth the agency's initial determination whether the proposed rule is a major rule, together with the reasons underlying that determination;
(1) A brief statement setting forth the agency's initial determination whether the proposed rule is a major rule, together with the reasons underlying that determination;
(2) For each proposed major rule, a brief summary of the agency's preliminary Regulatory Impact Analysis; and
(3) The initial regulatory flexibility analysis or a summary thereof as required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.), or a certification that the rule, if promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a significant number of small entities pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 605. Such certification may be made by any FEMA official with rulemaking authority.
(g) It is desirable, but not required, that the notices contain a target deadline for issuance of the regulation, and that to the extent feasible, this deadline be met.
(h) If the rule is one which contains a requirement for collection of information, a copy of the rule will be furnished OMB in accordance with 44 U.S.C. 3504(h). [46 FR 32584, June 24, 1981, as amended at 49 FR 38119, Sept. 27, 1984]