(a) In promulgating new regulations, reviewing existing regulations, and developing legislative proposals concerning regulation, FEMA, to the extent permitted by law, shall adhere to the following requirements:
(1) Administrative decisions shall be based on adequate information concerning the need for and consequences of proposed government action;
(2) Regulatory action shall not be undertaken unless the potential benefits to society for the regulation outweigh the potential costs to society;
(3) Regulatory objectives shall be chosen to maximize the net benefits to society;
(4) Among alternative approaches to any given regulatory objective, the alternative involving the least net cost to society shall be chosen; and
(5) FEMA shall set regulatory priorities with the aim of maximizing the aggregate net benefits to society, taking into account the condition of the particular entities affected by regulations, the condition of the national economy, and other regulatory actions contemplated for the future.
(b) It is the policy of FEMA to provide for public participation in rulemaking regarding its programs and functions, including matters that relate to public property, loans, grants, or benefits, or contracts, even though these matters are not subject to a requirement for notice and public comment rulemaking by law.
(c) FEMA will publish notices of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register and will give interested persons an opportunity to participate in the rulemaking through submission of written data, views, and arguments with or without opportunity for oral presentation.
(d) In order to give the public, including small entities and consumer groups, an early and meaningful opportunity to participate in the development of rules, for a number of regulations the Administrator will employ additional methods of inviting public participation. These methods include, but are not limited to, publishing advance Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR), which can include a statement with respect to the impact of the proposed rule on small entities; holding open conferences; convening public forums or panels, sending notices of proposed regulations to publications likely to be read by those affected and soliciting comment from interested parties by such means as direct mail. An ANPR should be used to solicit public comment early in the rulemaking process for significant rules.
(e) It is the policy of FEMA that its notices of proposed rulemaking are to afford the public at least sixty days for submission of comments unless the Administrator makes an exception and sets forth the reasons for the exception in the preamble to the notice of proposed rulemaking. This period shall also include any period of review required by the Office of Management and Budget in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980.
(f) Unless required by statute or Executive Order, notice and public procedure may be omitted if the Administrator, for good cause, determines in a particular case or class of cases that notice and public procedure is impractical, unnecessary or contrary to the public interest and sets forth the reason for the determination in the rulemaking document or, for a class of cases, in a published rule or statement of policy. In a particular case, the reasons for the determination will be stated in the rulemaking document. Notice and public procedure may also be omitted with respect to statements of policy, interpretative rules, rules governing FEMA's organization or its own internal practices or procedures, or if a statute expressly authorizes omission.
(g) A final substantive rule will be published not less than 30 days before its effective date unless it grants or recognizes an exemption or relieves a restriction or unless the rulemaking document states good cause for its taking effect less than 30 days after publication. Statements of policy and interpretative rules will usually be made effective on the date of publication.
(h) This part shall not apply to any regulation that responds to an emergency situation, provided that, any such regulation shall be reported to the Director, Office of Management and Budget, as soon as is practicable. FEMA shall publish in the Federal Register a statement of the reasons why it is impracticable for the agency to follow the procedures of Executive Order 12866 with respect to such a rule, and the agency shall prepare and transmit, if needed, as soon as is practicable a Regulatory Impact Analysis of any such major rule. [46 FR 32584, June 24, 1981, as amended at 49 FR 38119, Sept. 27, 1984; 50 FR 40004, Oct. 1, 1985]