(a) Purpose. This section establishes the policies for implementing section 312 of the Stafford Act, entitled Duplication of Benefits. This section relates to assistance for individuals and families.
(b) Government policy. (1) Federal agencies providing disaster assistance under the Act or under their own authorities triggered by the Act, shall cooperate to prevent and rectify duplication of benefits, according to the general policy guidance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The agencies shall establish appropriate agency policies and procedures to prevent duplication of benefits.
(1) Federal agencies providing disaster assistance under the Act or under their own authorities triggered by the Act, shall cooperate to prevent and rectify duplication of benefits, according to the general policy guidance of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The agencies shall establish appropriate agency policies and procedures to prevent duplication of benefits.
(2) Major disaster and emergency assistance provided to individuals and families under the Act, and comparable disaster assistance provided by States, local governments, and disaster assistance organizations, is not considered as income or a resource when determining eligibility for or benefit levels under federally funded income assistance or resource-tested programs. Examples of federally funded income assistance or resource-tested programs are the food stamp program and welfare assistance programs.
(c) FEMA policy. It is FEMA policy:
(1) To prevent duplication of benefits between its own programs and insurance benefits, and between its own programs and other disaster assistance. Assistance under the Act may be provided in instances where the applicant has not received other benefits to which he/she may be entitled by the time of application and if the applicant agrees to repay all duplicated assistance to the agency providing the Federal assistance;
(2) To examine a debt resulting from duplication to determine that the likelihood of collecting the debt and the best interests of the Federal Government justify taking the necessary recovery actions to remedy duplication which has occurred when other assistance has become available;
(3) To assure uniformity in preventing duplication of benefits, by consulting with other Federal agencies and by performing selected quality control reviews, that the other disaster relief agencies establish and follow policies and procedures to prevent and remedy duplication among their programs, other programs, and insurance benefits; and
(4) To coordinate the effort of agencies providing assistance so that each agency understands the prevention and remedial policies of the others and is able to fulfill its own responsibilities regarding duplication of benefits.
(d) Guidance to prevent duplication of benefits. (1) Delivery sequence. FEMA provides the following policy and procedural guidance to ensure uniformity in preventing duplication of benefits.
(1) Delivery sequence. FEMA provides the following policy and procedural guidance to ensure uniformity in preventing duplication of benefits.
(i) Duplication occurs when an agency has provided assistance which was the primary responsibility of another agency, and the agency with primary responsibility later provides assistance. A delivery sequence establishes the order in which disaster relief agencies and organizations provide assistance. The specific sequence, in accordance with the mandates of the assistance programs, is to be generally followed in the delivery of assistance.
(ii) When the delivery sequence has been disrupted, the disrupting agency is responsible for rectifying the duplication. The delivery sequence pertains to that period of time in the recovery phase when most of the traditional disaster assistance programs are available.
(2) The delivery sequence is, in order of delivery:
(i) Volunteer agencies' emergency assistance (except expendable items such as clothes, linens, and basic kitchenware); insurance (including flood insurance);
(ii) Housing assistance pursuant to section 408 of the Stafford Act.
(iii) Small Business Administration and Farmers Home Administration disaster loans;
(iv) Other Needs assistance, pursuant to section 408 of the Stafford Act or its predecessor program, the Individual and Family Grant Program.
(v) Volunteer agencies' ``additional assistance'' programs; and
(vi) The ``Cora Brown Fund.''
(3) Two significant points about the delivery sequence are that:
(i) Each assistance agency should, in turn, offer and be responsible for delivering assistance without regard to duplication with a program later in the sequence; and
(ii) The sequence itself determines what types of assistance can duplicate other assistance (i.e., a Federal program can duplicate insurance benefits, however, insurance benefits cannot duplicate the Federal assistance). An agency's position in the sequence determines the order in which it should provide assistance and what other resources it must consider before it does so.
(4) If following the delivery sequence concept would adversely affect the timely receipt of essential assistance by a disaster victim, an agency may offer assistance which is the primary responsibility of another agency. There also may be cases when an agency (Agency B) delivers assistance which is normally the primary responsibility of another agency (Agency A) because Agency A has, for good cause, denied assistance. After the assistance is delivered, Agency A reopens the case. If the primary response Agency A then provides assistance, that Agency A is responsible for coordinating with Agency B to either:
(i) Assist Agency B in preventing the duplication of benefits, or
(ii) In the case where the disaster victim has refused assistance from Agency A, notify Agency B that it must recover assistance previously provided.
(e) Program guidance--(1) Programs under the Act vs. other agency assistance. (i) In making an eligibility determination, the FEMA Regional Administrator, in the case of federally operated programs, or the State, in the case of State operated programs, shall determine whether assistance is the primary responsibility of another agency to provide, according to the delivery sequence; and determine whether that primary response agency can provide assistance in a timely way.
(1) Programs under the Act vs. other agency assistance. (i) In making an eligibility determination, the FEMA Regional Administrator, in the case of federally operated programs, or the State, in the case of State operated programs, shall determine whether assistance is the primary responsibility of another agency to provide, according to the delivery sequence; and determine whether that primary response agency can provide assistance in a timely way.
(i) In making an eligibility determination, the FEMA Regional Administrator, in the case of federally operated programs, or the State, in the case of State operated programs, shall determine whether assistance is the primary responsibility of another agency to provide, according to the delivery sequence; and determine whether that primary response agency can provide assistance in a timely way.
(ii) If it is determined that timely assistance can be provided by the agency with primary responsibility, refrain from providing assistance under the Act. If it is determined that assistance from the agency with primary responsibility will be delayed, assistance under the Act may be provided, but then must be recovered from the applicant when the other assistance becomes available.
(2) Programs under the Act vs. insurance. In making an eligibility determination, the FEMA Regional Administrator or State shall:
(i) Remind the applicant about his/her responsibility to pursue an adequate settlement. The applicant must provide information concerning insurance recoveries.
(ii) Determine whether the applicant's insurance settlement will be sufficient to cover the loss or need without disaster assistance; and
(iii) Determine whether insurance benefits (including flood insurance) will be provided in a timely way. Where flood insurance is involved, the Regional Administrator shall coordinate with the Federal Insurance Administration. The purpose of this coordination is to obtain information about flood insurance coverage and settlements.
(3) Random sample. Each disaster assistance agency is responsible for preventing and rectifying duplication of benefits under the coordination of the Federal Coordinating Officer (FCO) and the general authority of section 312. To determine whether duplication has occurred and established procedures have been followed, the Regional Administrator shall, within 90 days after the close of the disaster assistance programs application period, for selected disaster declarations, examine on a random sample basis, FEMA's and other government and voluntary agencies' case files and document the findings in writing.
(4) Duplication when assistance under the Act is involved. If duplication is discovered, the Regional Administrator shall determine whether the duplicating agency followed its own remedial procedures.
(i) If the duplicating agency followed its procedures and was successful in correcting the duplication, the Regional Administrator will take no further action. If the agency was not successful in correcting the duplication, and the Regional Administrator is satisfied that the duplicating agency followed its remedial procedures, no further action will be taken.
(ii) If the duplicating agency did not follow its duplication of benefits procedures, or the Regional Administrator is not satisfied that the procedures were followed in an acceptable manner, then the Regional Administrator shall provide an opportunity for the agency to take the required corrective action. If the agency cannot fulfill its responsibilities for remedial action, the Regional Administrator shall notify the recipient of the excess assistance, and after examining the debt, if it is determined that the likelihood of collecting the debt and the best interests of the Federal Government justify taking the necessary recovery actions, then take those recovery actions in conjunction with agency representatives for each identified case in the random sample (or larger universe, at the Regional Administrator's discretion).
(5) Duplication when assistance under other authorities is involved. When the random sample shows evidence that duplication has occurred and corrective action is required, the Regional Administrator and the FCO shall urge the duplicating agency to follow its own procedures to take corrective action, and shall work with the agency toward that end. Under his/her authority in section 312, the Regional Administrator shall require the duplicating agency to report to him/her on its attempt to correct the duplications identified in the sample.
(f) Recovering FEMA funds: debt collection. Funds due to FEMA are recovered in accordance with the Department of Homeland Security's Debt Collection Regulations (6 CFR part 11--Claims). [54 FR 11615, Mar. 21, 1989, as amended at 67 FR 61460, Sept. 30, 2002; 74 FR 15350, Apr. 3, 2009] Sec. Sec. 206.192-206.199 [Reserved]