(a) Purpose. This subpart establishes procedures for the administration of Public Assistance grants approved under the provisions of the Stafford Act.
(b) What policies apply to FEMA public assistance grants? (1) The Stafford Act requires that we deliver eligible assistance as quickly and efficiently as possible consistent with Federal laws and regulations. We expect the Grantee and the subgrantee to adhere to Stafford Act requirements and to these regulations when administering our public assistance grants.
(2) The regulations entitled ``Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards,'' published at 2 CFR parts 200 and 3002, place requirements on the State in its role as Grantee and gives the Grantee discretion to administer federal programs under their own procedures. We expect the Grantee to:
(i) Inform subgrantees about the status of their applications, including notifications of our approvals of Project Worksheets and our estimates of when we will make payments;
(ii) Pay the full amounts due to subgrantees as soon as practicable after we approve payment, including the State contribution required in the FEMA-State Agreement; and
(iii) Pay the State contribution consistent with State laws. [55 FR 2304, Jan. 23, 1990, as amended at 63 FR 64425, Nov. 20, 1998; 64 FR 55160, Oct. 12, 1999; 79 FR 76086, Dec. 19, 2014]