All definitions in the Stafford Act and in Sec. 206.2 apply. In addition, the following definitions apply:
(a) Appeal: A request for reconsideration of a determination on any action related to Federal assistance under the Stafford Act and these regulations. Specific procedures for appeals are contained in the relevant subparts of these regulations.
(b) Commitment: A certification by the Governor that the State and local governments will expend a reasonable amount of funds to alleviate the effects of the major disaster or emergency, for which no Federal reimbursement will be requested.
(c) Disaster Application Center: A center established in a centralized location within the disaster area for individuals, families, or businesses to apply for disaster aid.
(d) FEMA-State Agreement: A formal legal document stating the understandings, commitments, and binding conditions for assistance applicable as the result of the major disaster or emergency declared by the President.
(e) Incident: Any condition which meets the definition of major disaster or emergency as set forth in Sec. 206.2 which causes damage or hardship that may result in a Presidential declaration of a major disaster or an emergency.
(f) Incident period: The time interval during which the disaster-causing incident occurs. No Federal assistance under the Act shall be approved unless the damage or hardship to be alleviated resulted from the disaster-causing incident which took place during the incident period or was in anticipation of that incident. The incident period will be established by FEMA in the FEMA-State Agreement and published in the Federal Register.