(a) Except as specified in Sec. 208.40 (c) of this subpart, DHS will reimburse the Sponsoring Agency for fringe benefit costs incurred during Activation according to the following table: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Then the
If the Sponsoring Agency or Sponsoring Agency
Participating Agency * * * or Participating Example
(1) Incurs a fringe benefit Bill DHS for a The City Fire
cost based on the number of pro-rata share Department incurs a
base hours worked by a of the premium premium of 3 percent
System Member, based on the for dental coverage
number of base based on the number
hours worked of base hours worked
during in a week (53 hours).
Activation. The City should bill
DHS an additional 3
percent of the
compensation for the
first 40 hours
Activation.(2) Incurs a fringe benefit Bill DHS for a The City Fire
cost based on the number of pro-rata share Department pays a
hours a System Member of the premium premium of 12 percent
actually worked (base hours based on the for retirement based
and overtime), number of hours on the number of
each System hours worked by a
Member worked firefighter. The City
during should bill DHS an
Activation. additional 12 percent
of the firefighter's
total compensation
during Activation.(3) Incurs a fringe benefit Bill DHS for a The City Fire
cost on a yearly basis based pro-rata share Department pays
on the number of people of those fringe workers compensation
employed full-time during benefit costs premiums into the
the year, based on the City risk fund for
number of non- the following year,
overtime hours based on the number
worked during of full-time
Activation by firefighters employed
System Members during the current
employed full year. The City should
time. bill DHS for workers
compensation premium
costs by multiplying
the hourly fringe
benefit rate or
amount by the number
of non-overtime hours
worked during
Activation by full
time firefighters who
are System Members.------------------------------------------------------------------------
(b) Differential pay. DHS will reimburse the Sponsoring Agency for direct costs incurred because of any separate differential compensation paid for work performed during an Activation including, but not limited to, differentials paid for holidays, night work, hazardous duty, or other paid fringe benefits, provided such differentials are not otherwise reimbursed under paragraph (a) of this section. A detailed explanation of the differential payment for which the Sponsoring Agency seeks reimbursement must accompany any request for reimbursement under this section together with identification of every fringe benefit sought under Sec. 208.40(a) of this part and the method used to calculate each such payment and the reimbursement sought from DHS.
(c) DHS will not reimburse the Sponsoring Agency for fringe benefit costs for Affiliated Personnel.