(a) Purpose. This section sets forth the criteria for implementing a pilot inspection procedure in Monroe County and the Village of Islamorada, Florida. Areas within Monroe County that become communities by incorporating on or after January 1, 1999, are required to implement the pilot inspection procedure as a condition of participating in the NIP. The criteria will also be used to implement the pilot inspection procedure in these communities. The purpose of this inspection procedure is to provide the communities participating in the pilot inspection procedure with an additional means to identify whether structures built in Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHAs) after the effective date of the initial Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) comply with the community's floodplain management regulations. The pilot inspection procedure will also assist FEMA in verifying that structures insured under the National Flood Insurance Program's Standard Flood Insurance Policy are properly rated. FEMA will publish notices in the Federal Register when communities in Monroe County incorporate, agree to implement the pilot inspection procedure, and become eligible for the sale of flood insurance.
(b) Procedures and requirements for implementation. Each community must establish procedures and requirements for implementing the pilot inspection procedure consistent with the criteria established in this section.
(c) Inspection procedure--(1) Starting and termination dates. The Federal Insurance Administrator will establish the starting date and the termination date for implementing the pilot inspection procedure upon the recommendation of the Regional Administrator. The Regional Director will consult with each community.
(1) Starting and termination dates. The Federal Insurance Administrator will establish the starting date and the termination date for implementing the pilot inspection procedure upon the recommendation of the Regional Administrator. The Regional Director will consult with each community.
(2) Extension. TheFederal Insurance Administrator may extend the implementation of the inspection procedure with a new termination date upon the recommendation of the Regional Administrator. The Regional Administrator will consult with the community. An extension will be granted based on good cause.
(3) Notices. Before the starting date of the inspection procedure, each community must publish a notice in a prominent local newspaper and publish other notices as appropriate. The Federal Insurance Administrator will publish a notice in the Federal Register that the community will undertake an inspection procedure. Published notices will include the purpose for implementing the inspection procedure and the effective period of time that the inspection procedure will cover.
(4) Community reviews. The communities participating in the pilot inspection procedure must review a list of all pre-FIRM and post-FIRM flood insurance policies in SFHAs to confirm that the start of construction or substantial improvement of insured pre-FIRM buildings occurred on or before December 31, 1974, and to identify possible violations of insured post-FIRM buildings. The community will provide to FEMA a list of insured buildings incorrectly rated as pre-FIRM and a list of insured post-FIRM buildings that the community identifies as possible violations.
(5) SFIP endorsement. In the communities that undertake the pilot inspection procedure, all new and renewed flood insurance policies that become effective on and after the date that we and the community establish for the start of the inspection procedure will contain an endorsement to the Standard Flood Insurance Policy that an inspection may be necessary before a subsequent policy renewal [see Part 61, Appendices A(4), (5), and (6)].
(6) Notice from insurer. For a building identified as a possible violation under paragraph (c)(4) of this section, the insurer will send a notice to the policyholder that an inspection is necessary in order to renew the policy and that the policyholder must submit a community inspection report as part of the policy renewal process, which includes the payment of the premium. The insurer will send this notice about 6 months before the Standard Flood Insurance Policy expires.
(7) Conditions for renewal. If a policyholder receives a notice under paragraph (c)(6) of this section that an inspection is necessary in order to renew the Standard Flood Insurance Policy the following conditions apply:
(i) If the policyholder obtains an inspection from the community and the policyholder sends the community inspection report to the insurer as part of the renewal process, which includes the payment of the premium, the insurer will renew the policy and will verify the flood insurance rate, or
(ii) If the policyholder does not obtain and submit a community inspection report the insurer will not renew the policy.
(8) Community responsibilities. For insured post-FIRM buildings that the community inspects and determines to violate the community's floodplain management regulations, the community must demonstrate to FEMA that the community is undertaking measures to remedy the violation to the maximum extent possible. Nothing in this section modifies the community's responsibility under the NFIP to enforce floodplain management regulations adequately that meet the minimum requirements in Sec. 60.3 for all new construction and substantial improvements within the community's SFHAs. The community's responsibility also includes the insured buildings where the policyholder did not obtain an inspection report, and non-insured buildings that this procedure does not cover.
(d) Restoration of flood insurance coverage. Insurers will not provide new flood insurance on any building if a property owner does not obtain a community inspection report or if the property owner obtains a community inspection report but does not submit the report with the renewal premium payment. Flood insurance policies sold on a building ineligible in accordance with paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section are void under the Standard Flood Insurance Policy inspection endorsements [44 CFR part 61, Appendices (A)(4), (A)(5), and (A)(6)]. When the property owner applies for a flood insurance policy and submits a completed community inspection report by the community with an application and renewal premium payment, the insurer will issue a flood insurance policy. [65 FR 39748, June 27, 2000, as amended at 67 FR 10633, Mar. 8, 2002; 74 FR 15339, Apr. 3, 2009]