(a) For requests for CLOMRs, LOMRs, and PMRs based on structural measures on alluvial fans, an initial fee of $5,000, subject to the provisions of Sec. 72.4, shall be paid to FEMA before FEMA begins its review of the request. The initial fee represents the minimum cost for reviewing these requests and is based on the prevailing private-sector labor rate. A revision to this initial fee, if necessary, will be published as a notice in the Federal Register.
(b) For requests for CLOMRs, LOMRs, and PMRs based on structural measures on alluvial fans, the total fee will be calculated based on the total hours by FEMA to review and process the request multiplied by an hourly rate based on the prevailing private-sector labor rate. The hourly rate is published as a notice in the Federal Register. A revision to the hourly rate, if necessary, shall be published as a notice in the Federal Register.
(c) For conditional and final map revision requests for the following categories, flat user fees, subject to the provisions of Sec. 72.4, shall be paid to FEMA before FEMA begins its review of the request:
(1) Requests for CLOMAs, CLOMR-Fs, and LOMR-Fs for single structures or single lots;
(2) Requests for CLOMAs for multiple structures or multiple lots;
(3) Requests for CLOMR-Fs and LOMR-Fs for multiple structures or multiple lots;
(4) Requests LOMR-Fs for single structures or single lots based on as-built information for projects for which FEMA issued CLOMR-Fs previously;
(5) Requests for LOMR-Fs for multiple structures or multiple lots based on as-built information for projects for which FEMA issued CLOMR-Fs previously;
(6) Requests for LOMRs and PMRs based on projects involving bridges, culverts, or channels, or combinations thereof;
(7) Requests for LOMRs and PMRs based on projects involving levees, berms, or other structural measures;
(8) Requests for LOMRs and PMRs based on as-built information for projects for which FEMA issued CLOMRs previously, except those based on structural measures on alluvial fans;
(9) Requests for LOMRs and PMRs based solely on more detailed data;
(10) Requests for CLOMRs based on projects involving new hydrologic information, bridges, culverts, or channels, or combinations thereof; and
(11) Requests for CLOMRs based on projects involving levees, berms, or other structural measures.
(d) If a request involves more than one of the categories listed above, the highest applicable flat user fee must be submitted.
(e) The flat user fees for conditional and final map amendments and map revisions are based on the actual costs for reviewing and processing the requests. The fees for requests for LOMR-Fs, LOMRs, and PMRs also include a fee of $35 to cover FEMA's costs for physically revising affected FIRM and FBFM panels to reflect the map changes.
(f) Revisions to the fees, if necessary, shall be published as a notice in the Federal Register. [62 FR 5737, Feb. 6, 1997]