All recipients of grants under the Emergency Community Services Homeless Grant Program shall be subject to the following regulations applicable to the block grant programs in the Department of Health and Human Services:
(a) 45 CFR part 96, subpart B, Sec. 96.12--Grant Payment, concerning the timing and method of disbursing grant awards;
(b) 45 CFR part 96, subpart B, Sec. 96.14--Time Period for Obligation and Expenditure of Grant Funds, as amended, concerning the availability of grant funds;
(c) 45 CFR part 96, subpart C--Financial Management, as amended, concerning financial management and audit requirements;
(d) 45 CFR part 96, subpart E--Enforcement, as amended, concerning enforcement and complaint procedures; and
(e) 45 CFR part 96, subpart F--Hearing Procedures, concerning hearing procedures.
PARTS 1081 1099 [RESERVED]