(a) It shall be the obligation of program sponsors to ensure that they:
(1) Fully understand the restrictions on volunteer activity set forth herein;
(2) Provide training to volunteers on the restrictions and ensure that all other training materials used in training volunteers are fully consistent with these restrictions;
(3) Monitor on a continuing basis the activity of volunteers for compliance with this provision;
(4) Report all violations, or questionable situations, immediately to the State Director.
(b) Failure of a sponsor to meet the requirements set forth in paragraph (a) of this section, or a violation of the rules contained herein by either the sponsor, the sponsor's employees subject to Sec. 1226.12 or the volunteers assigned to the sponsor, at any time during the course of the grant may be deemed to be a material failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the grant as that term is used in 45 CFR 1206.1 regarding suspension and termination of assistance or a violation of the Project Memorandum of Agreement, as applicable. The sponsor shall be subject to the procedures and penalties contained in 45 CFR 1206.1.
(c) Violation by a volunteer of any of the rules and regulations set forth herein may be cause for suspension or termination as set forth in 45 CFR 1213.5-5(2) or other disciplinary action.