(a) A volunteer may draft, review, testify or make representations to a legislative body regarding a legislative measure upon request of the legislative body, a committee, or a member thereof, provided that:
(1) The request to draft, review, testify or make representations is in writing, addressed to the volunteer or the organization to which the volunteer is assigned or placed, and signed by a member or members of the legislative body.
(2) The request states the type of representation or assistance requested and the issue to be addressed.
(3) The volunteer or the program sponsor provides a copy of such request to the State Director.
(b) The volunteer may draft, review, testify, or make a written representation to a legislative body regarding an authorization or appropriation measure directly affecting the operation of the project or program to which he or she is assigned: Provided:
(1) The sponsor organization provides notification to the State Director on a quarterly basis of all activity occurring pursuant to this exception.
(2) The legislative measure relates to the funding of the project or program or affects the existence or basic structure of the project or program.
(c) Notwithstanding the foregoing exceptions, any activity by a volunteer pursuant to paragraph (b) (1) or (2) of this section shall be incidental to his or her regular work assignment.