As a condition for receipt of funds under this part, each area agency on aging shall assure that providers of services shall:
(a) Provide the area agency, in a timely manner, with statistical and other information which the area agency requires in order to meet its planning, coordination, evaluation and reporting requirements established by the State under Sec. 1321.13;
(b) Specify how the provider intends to satisfy the service needs of low-income minority individuals in the area served, including attempting to provide services to low-income minority individuals at least in proportion to the number of low-income minority older persons in the population serviced by the provider;
(c) Provide recipients with an opportunity to contribute to the cost of the service as provided in Sec. 1321.67;
(d) With the consent of the older person, or his or her representative, bring to the attention of appropriate officials for follow-up, conditions or circumstances which place the older person, or the household of the older person, in imminent danger;
(e) Where feasible and appropriate, make arrangements for the availability of services to older persons in weather related emergencies;
(f) Assist participants in taking advantage of benefits under other programs; and
(g) Assure that all services funded under this part are coordinated with other appropriate services in the community, and that these services do not constitute an unnecessary duplication of services provided by other sources.