In reviewing applications for a Runaway and Homeless Youth Program grant, HHS takes into consideration a number of factors, including:
(a) Whether the application meets one or more of the program's funding priorities; (see Sec. 1351.12)
(b) The need for Federal support based on the number of runaway or otherwise homeless youth in the area in which the runaway and homeless youth project is or will be located;
(c) The availability of services to runaway or otherwise homeless youth in the area in which the runaway and homeless youth project is located;
(d) Whether there is a minimum residential capacity of four and a maximum residential capacity not to exceed 20 youth with a ratio of staff to youth sufficient to assure adequate supervision and treatment;
(e) Plans for meeting the best interests of the youth involving, when possible, both the youth and the family. These must include contacts with the families. This contact should be made within 24 hours, but must be made no more than 72 hours following the time of the youth's admission into the runaway and homeless youth project. The plans must also include assuring the youth's safe return home or to local government officials or law enforcement officials and indicate efforts to provide appropriate alternative living arrangements.
(f) Plans for the delivery of aftercare or counseling services to runaway or otherwise homeless youth and their families;
(g) Whether the estimated cost to the Department for the runaway and homeless youth project is reasonable considering the anticipated results;
(h) Whether the proposed personnel are well qualified and the applicant agency has adequate facilities and resources;
(i) Whether the proposed project design, if well executed, is capable of attaining program objectives;
(j) The consistency of the grant application with the provisions of the Act and these regulations.