Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 45  /  Part 1356  /  Sec. 1356.86 Penalties for noncompliance.

(a) Definition of Federal funds subject to a penalty. The funds that are subject to a penalty are the CFCIP funds allocated or reallocated to the State agency under section 477(c)(1) of the Act for the Federal fiscal year that corresponds with the reporting period for which the State agency was required originally to submit data according to section 1356.83(a) of this part.

(b) Assessed penalty amounts. ACF will assess penalties in the following amounts, depending on the area of noncompliance:

(1) Penalty for not meeting file submission standards. ACF will assess a penalty in an amount equivalent to two and one half percent (2.5%) of the funds subject to a penalty for each reporting period in which ACF makes a final determination that the State agency's data file does not comply with the file submission standards defined in section 1356.85(a) of this part.

(2) Penalty for not meeting certain data standards. ACF will assess a penalty in an amount equivalent to:

(i) One and one quarter percent (1.25%) of the funds subject to a penalty for each reporting period in which ACF makes a final determination that the State agency's data file does not comply with the data standard for error-free data as defined in section 1356.85(b)(1) of this part.

(ii) One and one quarter percent (1.25%) of the funds subject to a penalty for each reporting period in which ACF makes a final determination that the State agency's data file does not comply with the outcome universe standard defined in section 1356.85(b)(2) of this part.

(iii) One half of one percent (0.5%) of the funds subject to a penalty for each reporting period in which ACF makes a final determination that the State agency's data file does not comply with the participation rate for youth in foster care standard defined in section 1356.85(b)(3)(i) of this part.

(iv) One half of one percent (0.5%) of the funds subject to a penalty for each reporting period in which ACF makes a final determination that the State agency's data file does not comply with the participation rate for discharged youth standard defined in section 1356.85(b)(3)(ii) of this part.

(c) Calculation of the penalty amount. ACF will add together any assessed penalty amounts described in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section to determine the total calculated penalty result. If the total calculated penalty result is less than one percent of the funds subject to a penalty, the State agency will be penalized in the amount of one percent.

(d) Notification of penalty amount. ACF will advise the State agency in writing of a final determination of noncompliance and the amount of the total calculated penalty as determined in paragraph (c) of this section.

(e) Interest. The State agency will be liable for interest on the amount of funds penalized by the Department, in accordance with the provisions of 45 CFR 30.18.

(f) Appeals. The State agency may appeal, pursuant to 45 CFR part 16, ACF's final determination to the HHS Departmental Appeals Board. [73 FR 10365, Feb. 26, 2008, as amended at 77 FR 952, Jan. 6, 2012]

Sec. Appendix A to Part 1356--NYTD Data Elements ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Responses Applicable

Element No. Element name options population------------------------------------------------------------------------1................. State........... 2 digit FIPS

code.2................. Report date..... CYYMM...........

CC = century

year (i.e., 20).

YY = decade year


MM = month (01-

12).3................. Record number... Encrypted,

unique person


number.4................. Date of birth... CCYYMMDD........

CC = century

year (i.e., 20).

YY = decade year


MM = month (01-


DD= day (01-31).5................. Sex............. Male............

Female..........6................. Race--American Yes............. All youth in

Indian or served,

Alaska Native. baseline and



No..............7................. Race--Asian..... Yes.............

No..............8................. Race--Black or Yes.............



No..............9................. Race--Native Yes.............

Hawaiian or

Other Pacific


No..............10................ Race--White..... Yes.............

No..............11................ Race--Unknown... Yes.............


12................ Race--Declined.. Yes.............

No..............13................ Hispanic or Yes.............





Declined........14................ Foster care Yes............. Served

status--service population

s. only.

No..............15................ Local agency.... FIPS code(s)....

Centralized unit16................ Federally- Yes.............



No..............17................ Adjudicated Yes.............


No..............18................ Education level. Less than 6th Served

grade. population


6th grade.......

7th grade.......

8th grade.......

9th grade.......

10th grade......

11th grade......

12th grade......


education or


College, at

least one

semester.19................ Special Yes.............


No..............20................ Independent Yes.............

living needs


No..............21................ Academic support Yes.............

No..............22................ Post-secondary Yes.............



No..............23................ Career Yes.............


No..............24................ Employment Yes.............

programs or



No..............25................ Budget and Yes.............



No..............26................ Housing Yes.............

education and

home management


No..............27................ Health education Yes.............

and risk


No..............28................ Family Support/ Yes.............




No..............29................ Mentoring....... Yes.............

No..............30................ Supervised Yes.............



No..............31................ Room and board Yes.............



No..............32................ Education Yes.............



No..............33................ Other financial Yes.............


No..............34................ Outcomes Youth Baseline and

reporting Participated. follow-up

status. Youth Declined.. populations

Parent Declined. (with the

Youth exception of

Incapacitated.. the response

Incarcerated.... option ``not in

Runaway/Missing. sample'' which

Unable to locate/ is applicable

invite.. to 19-year olds

Death........... in the follow-

Not in sample... up only).35................ Date of outcome CCYYMMDD........ Baseline and

data collection. follow-up


CC = century

year (i.e., 20).

YY = decade year


MM = month (01-


DD = day (01-31)36................ Foster care Yes.............


No..............37................ Current full- Yes.............

time employment.


Declined........38................ Current part- Yes.............

time employment.


Declined........39................ Employment- Yes.............

related skills.


Declined........40................ Social Security. Yes.............


Declined........41................ Educational aid. Yes.............


Declined........42................ Public financial Yes............. Follow-up

assistance. population not

in foster care.


Not applicable..

Declined........43................ Public food Yes.............



Not applicable..

Declined........44................ Public housing Yes.............



Not applicable..

Declined........45................ Other financial Yes............. Baseline and

support. follow-up



Declined........46................ Highest High school

educational diploma/GED.











Higher degree...

None of the


Declined........47................ Current Yes.............

enrollment and



Declined........48................ Connection to Yes.............



Declined........49................ Homelessness.... Yes.............


Declined........50................ Substance abuse Yes.............



Declined........51................ Incarceration... Yes.............


Declined........52................ Children........ Yes.............


Declined........53................ Marriage at Yes.............

child's birth.


Not applicable..

Declined........54................ Medicaid........ Yes.............


Don't know......

Declined........55................ Other health Yes............. Baseline and

insurance. follow-up



Don't know......

Declined........56................ Health insurance Yes.............



Don't know......

Not Applicable..

Declined........57................ Health insurance Yes.............




Don't know......

Not applicable..

Declined........58................ Health insurance Yes.

type--prescript No..............

ion drugs. Don't know......

Not applicable..

Declined........------------------------------------------------------------------------ [77 FR 952, Jan. 6, 2012]

Sec. Appendix B to Part 1356--NYTD Youth Outcome Survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Question to youth

Topic/element No. and response Definition



FOSTER CARE OR NOT------------------------------------------------------------------------Current full-time employment Currently are you ``Full-time'' means

(37). employed full- working at least 35

time? hours per week at

one or multiple




_DeclinedCurrent part-time employment Currently are you ``Part-time'' means

(38). employed part- working at least 1-

time? 34 hours per week at

one or multiple




_DeclinedEmployment-related skills (39) In the past year, This means

did you complete apprenticeships,

an internships, or

apprenticeship, other on-the-job

internship, or trainings, either

other on-the-job paid or unpaid, that

training, either helped the youth

paid or unpaid? acquire employment-

_Yes related skills

_No (which can include

_Declined specific trade

skills such as

carpentry or auto

mechanics, or office

skills such as word

processing or use of

office equipment).Social Security (40).......... Currently are you These are payments

receiving social from the government

security to meet basic needs

payments for food, clothing,

(Supplemental and shelter of a

Security Income person with a

(SSI, Social disability. A youth

Security may be receiving

Disability these payments

Insurance because of a parent

(SSDI), or or guardian's

dependents' disability, rather

payments)? than his/her own.



_DeclinedEducational Aid (41).......... Currently are you Scholarships, grants,

using a and stipends are

scholarship, funds awarded for

grant, stipend, spending on expenses

student loan, related to gaining

voucher, or an education.

other type of ``Student loan''

educational means a government-

financial aid to guaranteed, low-

cover any interest loan for

educational students in post-

expenses? secondary education.



_DeclinedOther financial support (45).. Currently are you This means periodic

receiving any and/or significant

periodic and/or financial support

significant from a spouse or

financial family member

resources or (biological, foster

support from or adoptive), child

another source support that the

not previously youth receives or

indicated and funds from a legal

excluding paid settlement. This

employment? does not include

_Yes occasional gifts,

_No such as birthday or

_Declined graduation checks or

small donations of

food or personal

incidentals, child

care subsidies,

child support for a

youth's child or

other financial help

that does not

benefit the youth

directly in

supporting himself

or herself.

Highest educational What is the ``Vocational

certification received (46). highest certificate'' means

educational a document stating

degree or that a person has

certification received education

that you have or training that

received? qualifies him or her

_High school for a particular

diploma/GED job, e.g., auto

_Vocational mechanics or

certificate cosmetology.

_Vocational ``Vocational

license license'' means a

_Associate's document that

degree (e.g., indicates that the

A.A.) State or local

_Bachelor's government

degree (e.g., recognizes an

B.A. or B.S.) individual as a

_Higher degree qualified

_None of the professional in a

above particular trade or

_Declined business. An

Associate's degree

is generally a two-

year degree from a

community college,

and a Bachelor's

degree is a four-

year degree from a

college or

university. ``Higher

degree'' indicates a

graduate degree,

such as a Masters or

Doctorate degree.

``None of the

above'' means that

the youth has not

received any of the

above educational

certifications.Current enrollment and Currently are you This means both

attendance (47). enrolled in and enrolled in and

attending high attending high

school, GED school, GED classes,

classes, post- or postsecondary

high school vocational training

vocational or college. A youth

training, or is still considered

college? enrolled in and

_Yes attending school if

_No the youth would

_Declined otherwise be

enrolled in and

attending a school

that is currently

out of session

(e.g., Spring break,

summer vacation,

etc.).Connection to adult (48)...... Currently is This refers to an

there at least adult who the youth

one adult in can go to for advice

your life, other or guidance when

than your there is a decision

caseworker, to to make or a problem

whom you can go to solve, or for

for advice or companionship to

emotional share personal

support? achievements. This

_Yes can include, but is

_No not limited to,

_Declined adult relatives,

parents or foster

parents. The

definition excludes

spouses, partners,

boyfriends or

girlfriends and

current caseworkers.

The adult must be

easily accessible to

the youth, either by

telephone or in

person.Homelessness (49)............. Have you ever ``Homeless'' means

been homeless? that the youth had

OR no regular or

_In the past two adequate place to

years, were you live. This includes

homeless at any living in a car, or

time? on the street, or

_Yes staying in a

_No homeless or other

_Declined temporary shelter.Substance abuse referral (50). Have you ever This includes either

referred self-referring or

yourself or has being referred by a

someone else social worker,

referred you for school staff,

an alcohol or physician, mental

drug abuse health worker,

assessment or foster parent, or

counseling? other adult for an

OR alcohol or drug

abuse assessment or

counseling. Alcohol

or drug abuse

assessment is a

process designed to

determine if someone

has a problem with

alcohol or drug use.

In the past two

years, did you

refer yourself,

or had someone

else referred

you for an

alcohol or drug

abuse assessment

or counseling?



_DeclinedIncarceration (51)............ Have you ever This means that the

been confined in youth was confined

a jail, prison, in a jail, prison,

correctional correctional

facility, or facility, or

juvenile or juvenile or

community community detention

detention facility in

facility, in connection with a

connection with crime (misdemeanor

allegedly or felony) allegedly

committing a committed by the

crime? youth.


In the past two

years, were you

confined in a

jail, prison,


facility, or

juvenile or



facility, in

connection with


committing a




_DeclinedChildren (52)................. Have you ever This means giving

given birth or birth to or

fathered any fathering at least

children that one child that was

were born? born. If males do

OR not know, answer


In the past two

years, did you

give birth to or

father any

children that

were born?



_DeclinedMarriage at Child's Birth (53) If you responded This means that when

yes to the every child was born

previous the youth was

question, were married to the other

you married to parent of the child.

the child's

other parent at

the time each

child was born?



_DeclinedMedicaid (54)................. Currently are you Medicaid (or the

on Medicaid [or State medical

use the name of assistance program)

the State's is a health

medical insurance program

assistance funded by the

program under government.

title XIX]?



_Don't know

_DeclinedOther Health insurance Currently do you ``Health insurance''

Coverage (55). have health means having a third

insurance, other party pay for all or

than Medicaid? part of health care.

_Yes Youth might have

_No health insurance

_Don't know such as group

_Declined coverage offered by

employers or

schools, or

individual policies

that cover medical

and/or mental health

care and/or

prescription drugs,

or youth might be

covered under

parents' insurance.

This also could

include access to

free health care

through a college,

Indian Tribe, or

other source.Health insurance type--medical Does your health This means that the

(56). insurance youth's health

coverage include insurance covers at

coverage for least some medical

medical services or

services? procedures. This

_Yes question is for only

_No those youth who

_Don't know responded ``yes'' to

_Not Applicable having health

_Declined insurance.Health insurance type--mental Does your health This means that the

health (57). insurance youth's health

include coverage insurance covers at

for mental least some mental

health services? health services.

_Yes This question is for

_No only those youth who

_Don't know responded ``yes'' to

Not Applicable having health

_Declined insurance with

medical coverage.Health insurance type-- Does your health This means that the

prescription drugs (58). insurance youth's health

include coverage insurance covers at

for prescription least some

drugs? prescription drugs.

_Yes This question is for

_No only those youth who

_Don't know responded ``yes'' to

_Declined having health

insurance with

medical coverage.------------------------------------------------------------------------ADDITIONAL OUTCOMES INFORMATION TO COLLECT FROM YOUTH OUT OF FOSTER CARE------------------------------------------------------------------------Public financial assistance Currently are you This refers to

(42). receiving ongoing welfare

ongoing welfare payments from the

payments from government to

the government support your basic

to support your needs. Do not

basic needs? consider payments or

[The State may subsidies for

add and/or specific purposes,

substitute the such as unemployment

name(s) of the insurance, child

State's welfare care subsidies,

program]. education

assistance, food

stamps or housing

assistance in this




_DeclinedPublic food assistance (43)... Currently are you Public food

receiving public assistance includes

food assistance? food stamps, which

_Yes are government-

_No issued coupons or

_Declined debit cards that

recipients can use

to buy eligible food

at authorized

stores. Public food

assistance also

includes assistance

from the Women,

Infants and Children

(WIC) program.

Public housing assistance (44) Currently are you Public housing is

receiving any rental housing

sort of housing provided by the

assistance from government to keep

the government, rents affordable for

such as living eligible individuals

in public and families, and a

housing or housing voucher

receiving a allows participants

housing voucher? to choose their own

_Yes housing while the

_No government pays part

_Declined of the housing

costs. This does not

include payments

from the child

welfare agency for

room and board

payments.------------------------------------------------------------------------ [77 FR 952, Jan. 6, 2012] Sec. Appendix C to Part 1356--Calculating Sample Size for NYTD Follow-Up


1. Using Finite Population Correction

The Finite Population Correction (FPC) is applied when the sample is drawn from a population of one to 5,000 youth, because the sample is more than five percent of the population.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR26FE08.000

(Py)(Pn), an estimate of the percent of responses to a dichotomous variable, is (.50)(.50) for the most conservative estimate.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR26FE08.001

Acceptable level of error = .05 (results are plus or minus five percentage points from the actual score)

Z = 1.645 (90 percent confidence interval)


N = number of youth from whom the sample is being drawn

2. Not Using Finite Population Correction

The FPC is not applied when the sample is drawn from a population of over 5,000 youth.[GRAPHIC] [TIFF OMITTED] TR26FE08.003 [73 FR 10372, Feb. 26, 2008]