The definitions that appear in part 144 of this subchapter apply to this part 150, unless stated otherwise. As used in this part:
Amendment, endorsement, or rider means a document that modifies or changes the terms or benefits of an individual policy, group policy, or certificate of insurance.
Application means a signed statement of facts by a potential insured that an issuer uses as a basis for its decision whether, and on what basis to insure an individual, or to issue a certificate of insurance, or that a non-Federal governmental health plan uses as a basis for a decision whether to enroll an individual under the plan.
Certificate of insurance means the document issued to a person or entity covered under an insurance policy issued to a group health plan or an association or trust that summarizes the benefits and principal provisions of the policy.
Complaint means any expression, written or oral, indicating a potential denial of any right or protection contained in HIPAA requirements (whether ultimately justified or not) by an individual, a personal representative or other entity acting on behalf of an individual, or any entity that believes such a right is being or has been denied an individual.
Group health insurance policy or group policy means the legal document or contract issued by an issuer to a plan sponsor with respect to a group health plan (including a plan that is a non-Federal governmental plan) that contains the conditions and terms of the insurance that covers the group.
Individual health insurance policy or individual policy means the legal document or contract issued by the issuer to an individual that contains the conditions and terms of the insurance. Any association or trust arrangement that is not a group health plan as defined in Sec. 144.103 of this subchapter or does not provide coverage in connection with one or more group health plans is individual coverage subject to the requirements of parts 147 and 148 of this subchapter. The term ``individual health insurance policy'' includes a policy that is--
(1) Issued to an association that makes coverage available to individuals other than in connection with one or more group health plans; or
(2) Administered, or placed in a trust, and is not sold in connection with a group health plan subject to the provisions of parts 146 and 147 of this subchapter.
PHS Act requirements means the requirements of title XXVII of the PHS Act and its implementing regulations in parts 146, 147, and 148 of this subchapter.
Plan document means the legal document that provides the terms of the plan to individuals covered under a group health plan, such as a non-Federal governmental health plan.
State law means all laws, decisions, rules, regulations, or other State action having the effect of law, of any State as defined in Sec. 144.103 of this subchapter. A law of the United States applicable to the District of Columbia is treated as a State law rather than a law of the United States. [64 FR 45795, Aug. 20, 1999, as amended at 78 FR 13439, Feb. 27, 2013]