(a) Data requirements. If a State that establishes a reinsurance program elects to modify the data requirements for health insurance issuers to receive reinsurance payments from those specified in the annual HHS notice of benefit and payment parameters for the applicable benefit year, the State notice of benefit and payment parameters must specify those modifications.
(b) Additional collections. If a State that establishes a reinsurance program elects to collect additional funds under Sec. 153.220(d)(1) or use additional funds for reinsurance payments under Sec. 153.220(d)(2), the State must publish in the State notice of benefit and payment parameters the following:
(1) A description of the purpose of the additional collection, including whether it will be used to cover reinsurance payments made under Sec. 153.232, administrative costs, or both;
(2) The additional contribution rate at which the funds will be collected; and
(3) If the purpose of the additional collection includes reinsurance payments (or if the State is using additional funds for reinsurance payments under Sec. 153.220(d)(2)), the State supplemental reinsurance payment parameters required under Sec. 153.232.
(c) Multiple reinsurance entities. If a State plans to use more than one applicable reinsurance entity, the State must publish in the State notice of benefit and payment parameters, for each applicable reinsurance entity--
(1) The geographic boundaries for that entity;
(2) An estimate of the number of enrollees in the individual market within those boundaries;
(3) An estimate of the amount of reinsurance payments that will be made to issuers with respect to enrollees within those boundaries.
(d) Risk adjustment content. A State operating a risk adjustment program must provide the information set forth in Sec. 153.330(a) and the data validation standards set forth pursuant to Sec. 153.350 in the State notice of benefit and payment parameters. [77 FR 17245, Mar. 23, 2012, as amended at 78 FR 15525, Mar. 11, 2013]