(a) A recipient may receive tribal funds and expend them in accordance with the specific purposes for which the tribal funds were provided.
(b) A recipient may receive public or IOLTA funds and use them in accordance with the specific purposes for which they were provided, if the funds are not used for any activity prohibited by or inconsistent with Section 504.
(c) A recipient may receive private funds and use them in accordance with the purposes for which they were provided, provided that the funds are not used for any activity prohibited by the LSC Act or prohibited or inconsistent with Section 504.
(d) A recipient may use non-LSC funds to provide legal assistance to an individual who is not financially eligible for services under part 1611 of this chapter, provided that the funds are used for the specific purposes for which those funds were provided and are not used for any activity prohibited by the LSC Act or prohibited by or inconsistent with Section 504.