The Enumeration System must do all of the following:
(a) Assign a single, unique--
(1) HPID to a health plan, provided that the Secretary has sufficient information to permit the assignment to be made; or
(2) OEID to an entity eligible to receive one under Sec. 162.514(a), provided that the Secretary has sufficient information to permit the assignment to be made.
(b) Collect and maintain information about each health plan that applies for or has been assigned an HPID and each entity that applies for or has been assigned an OEID, and perform tasks necessary to update that information.
(c) If appropriate, deactivate an HPID or OEID upon receipt of sufficient information concerning circumstances justifying deactivation.
(d) If appropriate, reactivate a deactivated HPID or OEID upon receipt of sufficient information justifying reactivation.
(e) Not assign a deactivated HPID to any other health plan or OEID to any other entity.
(f) Disseminate Enumeration System information upon approved requests.