The limitations on the Federal government's share are different--in type and amount--for member support costs and program operating costs.
(a) Member support: The Federal share, including Corporation and other Federal funds, of member support costs, which include the living allowance required under Sec. 2522.240(b)(1), FICA, unemployment insurance (if required under State law), worker's compensation (if required under State law), is limited as follows:
(1) The Federal share of the living allowance may not exceed 85 percent of the minimum living allowance required under Sec. 2522.240(b)(1), and 85 percent of other member support costs.
(2) If you are a professional corps described in Sec. 2522.240(b)(2)(i), you may not use Corporation funds for the living allowance.
(3) Your share of member support costs must be non-Federal cash.
(4) The Corporation's share of health care costs may not exceed 85 percent.
(b) Program operating costs: The Corporation share of program operating costs may not exceed 67 percent. These costs include expenditures (other than member support costs described in paragraph (a) of this section) such as staff, operating expenses, internal evaluation, and administration costs.
(1) You may provide your share of program operating costs with cash, including other Federal funds (as long as the other Federal agency permits its funds to be used as match), or third party in-kind contributions.
(2) Contributions, including third party in-kind must:
(i) Be verifiable from your records;
(ii) Not be included as contributions for any other Federally assisted program;
(iii) Be necessary and reasonable for the proper and efficient accomplishment of your program's objectives; and
(iv) Be allowable under applicable OMB cost principles.
(3) You may not include the value of direct community service performed by volunteers, but you may include the value of services contributed by volunteers to your organizations for organizational functions such as accounting, audit, and training of staff and AmeriCorps programs. [70 FR 39598, July 8, 2005]