Non-stipended Foster Grandparents serve under the following conditions:
(a) They must not displace or prevent eligible low-income individuals from becoming Foster Grandparents.
(b) No special privilege or status is granted or created among Foster Grandparents, stipended or non-stipended, and equal treatment is required.
(c) Training, supervision, and other support services and cost reimbursements, other than the stipend, are available equally to all Foster Grandparents.
(d) All regulations and requirements applicable to the program, with the exception listed in paragraph (f) of this section, apply to all Foster Grandparents.
(e) Non-stipended Foster Grandparents may be placed in separate volunteer stations where warranted.
(f) Non-stipended Foster Grandparents will be encouraged but not required to serve an average of 20 hours per week and nine months per year. Foster Grandparents will maintain a close person-to-person relationship with their assigned children on a regular basis.
(g) Non-stipended Foster Grandparents may contribute the costs they incur in connection with their participation in the program. Such contributions are not counted as part of the required non-federal share of the grant but may be reflected in the budget column for excess non-federal resources.