(a) Each State's quarterly reports (the TANF Data Report, the TANF Financial Report (or Territorial Financial Report), and the SSP-MOE Data Report) must be complete and accurate and filed by the due date.
(b) For a disaggregated data report, ``a complete and accurate report'' means that:
(1) The reported data accurately reflect information available to the State in case records, financial records, and automated data systems, and include correction of the quarterly data by the end of the fiscal year reporting period;
(2) The data are free from computational errors and are internally consistent (e.g., items that should add to totals do so);
(3) The State reports data for all required elements (i.e., no data are missing);
(4)(i) The State provides data on all families; or
(i) The State provides data on all families; or
(ii) If the State opts to use sampling, the State reports data on all families selected in a sample that meets the specification and procedures in the TANF Sampling Manual (except for families listed in error); and
(5) Where estimates are necessary (e.g., some types of assistance may require cost estimates), the State uses reasonable methods to develop these estimates.
(c) For an aggregated data report, ``a complete and accurate report'' means that:
(1) The reported data accurately reflect information available to the State in case records, financial records, and automated data systems;
(2) The data are free from computational errors and are internally consistent (e.g., items that should add to totals do so);
(3) The State reports data on all applicable elements; and
(4) Monthly totals are unduplicated counts for all families (e.g., the number of families and the number of out-of-wedlock births are unduplicated counts).
(d) For the TANF Financial Report (or, as applicable, the Territorial Financial Report), ``a complete and accurate report'' means that:
(1) The reported data accurately reflect information available to the State in case records, financial records, and automated data systems;
(2) The data are free from computational errors and are internally consistent (e.g., items that should add to totals do so);
(3) The State reports data on all applicable elements; and
(4) All expenditures have been made in accordance with Sec. 92.20(a) of this title.
(e) We will review the data filed in the quarterly reports to determine if they meet these standards. In addition, we will use audits and reviews to verify the accuracy of the data filed by the States.
(f) States must maintain records to adequately support any report, in accordance with Sec. 92.42 of this title. [64 FR 17900, Apr. 12, 1999, as amended at 73 FR 6828, Feb. 5, 2008]