(a) What definitions apply to quarterly wage and unemployment compensation claims reporting? When used in this section:
(1) Reporting period means time elapsed during a calendar quarter, e.g. January-March, April-June, July-September, October-December.
(2) Wage information means:
(i) The name of the employee;
(ii) The social security number of the employee;
(iii) The aggregate wages of the employee during the reporting period; and
(iv) The name, address (and optionally, any second address for wage withholding purposes), and Federal employer identification number of an employer reporting wages.
(3) Unemployment compensation or claim information means:
(i) Whether an individual is receiving, has received or has applied for unemployment compensation;
(ii) The individual's name and current (or most recent) home address;
(iii) The individual's social security number; and
(iv) The aggregate gross amount of compensation the claimant received during the reporting quarter.
(b) What data must be transmitted to the National Directory of New Hires? The State shall disclose quarterly, to the National Directory of New Hires, wage and claim information as defined in paragraph (a) of this section that is collected pursuant to a State's unemployment compensation program referenced in Title III of the Act or pursuant to section 1137 of the Act.
(c) What time frames apply for reporting quarterly wage and unemployment compensation claims data? The State shall report wage information for the reporting period no later than the end of the fourth month following the reporting period. The State shall report claim information for the reporting period no later than the end of the first month following the reporting period.
(d) What reporting formats will be used for reporting data? The State must use standardized formats established by the Secretary of Health and Human Services for reporting wage and claim information. [63 FR 36190, July 2, 1998; 68 FR 62161, Oct. 31, 2003]