With the exception of specially protected species of mammals, birds, and plants designated in subpart E of this part, permits to engage in a taking or harmful interference:
(a) May be issued only for the purpose of providing--
(1) Specimens for scientific study or scientific information; or
(2) Specimens for museums, zoological gardens, or other educational or cultural institutions or uses; or
(3) For unavoidable consequences of scientific activities or the construction and operation of scientific support facilities; and
(b) Shall ensure, as far as possible, that--
(1) No more native mammals, birds, or plants are taken than are necessary to meet the purposes set forth in paragraph (a) of this section;
(2) No more native mammals or native birds are taken in any year than can normally be replaced by net natural reproduction in the following breeding season;
(3) The variety of species and the balance of the natural ecological systems within Antarctica are maintained; and
(4) The authorized taking, transporting, carrying, or shipping of any native mammal or bird is carried out in a humane manner.