Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 45  /  Part 672  /  Sec. 672.10 Default order.

(a) Default. The Presiding Officer may find a party in default (1) after motion, upon failure to file a timely answer to the complaint; (2) after motion or sua sponte, upon failure to comply with a prehearing or hearing order of the Presiding Officer; or (3) after motion or sua sponte, upon failure to appear at a conference or hearing without good cause being shown. No finding of default on the basis of a failure to appear at a hearing shall be made against the respondent unless the complainant presents sufficient evidence to the Presiding Officer to establish a prima facie case against the respondent. Any motion for a default order shall include a proposed default order and shall be served upon all parties. The alleged defaulting party shall have twenty (20) days from service to reply to the motion. Default by respondent constitutes, for purposes of the pending action only, an admission of all facts alleged in the complaint and a waiver of respondent's right to a hearing on such factual allegations. If the complaint is for the assessment of a civil penalty, the penalty proposed in the complaint shall become due and payable by respondent without further proceedings sixty (60) days after a final order issued upon default. If the complaint is for the revocation or suspension of a permit, the conditions of revocation or suspension proposed in the complaint shall become effective without further proceedings on the date designated by the Presiding Officer in his final order issued upon default. Default by the complainant shall result in the dismissal of the complaint with prejudice.

(b) Procedures upon default. When the Presiding Officer finds a default has occurred, he shall issue a default order against the defaulting party. This order shall constitute the initial decision, and shall be filed with the Hearing Clerk.

(c) Contents of a default order. A default order shall include findings of fact showing the grounds for the order, conclusions regarding all material issues of law or discretion, and the penalty which is recommended, or the terms and conditions of permit revocation or suspension, or other sanctions.

(d) The Presiding Officer may set aside a default order for good cause shown.