Code of Federal Regulations (alpha)

CFR /  Title 45  /  Part 672  /  Sec. 672.21 Appeal from or review of interlocutory orders or rulings.

(a) Request for interlocutory orders or rulings. Except as provided in this section, appeals to the Director or, upon delegation, to the General Counsel, shall obtain as a matter of right only from a default order, an accelerated decision or decision to dismiss, or an initial decision rendered after an evidentiary hearing. Appeals from other orders or rulings shall lie only if the Presiding Officer, upon motion of a party, certifies such orders or rulings to the Director on appeal. Requests for such certification shall be filed in writing within six (6) days of notice of the ruling or service of the order, and shall state briefly the grounds to be relied upon on appeal.

(b) Availability of interlocutory appeal. The Presiding Officer may certify any ruling for appeal to the Director when (1) the order or ruling involves an important question of law or policy and there is substantial grounds for difference of opinion; and (2) either (i) an immediate appeal from the order or ruling will materially advance the ultimate resolution of the proceeding, or (ii) review after the final order is issued will be inadequate or ineffective.

(c) Decision. If the Director or the General Counsel takes no action within thirty (30) days of the certification, the appeal is dismissed. If the Director or the General Counsel decides to hear the interlocutory appeal, he shall make and transmit his findings and conclusions to the Presiding Officer. When the Presiding Officer declines to certify an order or ruling to the Director on interlocutory appeal, it may be reviewed by the Director only upon appeal from the initial decision.

(d) Stay of proceedings. The Presiding Officer may stay the proceedings for an interlocutory appeal. Proceedings will not be stayed except in extraordinary circumstances. Where the Presiding Officer grants a stay of more than thirty (30) days, such stay must be separately approved by the Director.