(a) The examination fee set out in Table 1 to Sec. 10.219(a) of this subchapter must be paid before the applicant may take the first examination section. If an applicant fails three or more sections of the examination, a complete re-examination must be taken. On the subsequent exam, if the applicant again fails three or more sections, at least 3 months must elapse before another complete examination is attempted, and a new examination fee is required. If an applicant fails one or two sections of an examination, the applicant may be retested twice on these sections during the next 3 months. If the applicant does not successfully complete these sections within the 3-month period, a complete re-examination must be taken at least 3 months from the date of the last retest, and a new examination fee is required. The 3-month retest period may be extended by the Coast Guard if the applicant presents evidence documenting sea time that prevented the taking of a retest during the 3-month period. The retest period may not be extended beyond 7 months from the initial examination. All examinations and retests must be completed within 1 year of approval for examination.
(b) If the Coast Guard refuses to grant an applicant the endorsement applied for due to the applicant's failure to pass a required examination, the Coast Guard will provide the applicant with a written statement setting forth the portions of the examination that must be retaken and the date by which the examination must be completed. Secs. 11.219-11.223 [Reserved]