(a) Except as provided by Sec. Sec. 128.230, 128.240, and 128.320 of this subpart, a Class II non-vital piping-system need not meet the requirements for materials and pressure design of subchapter F of this chapter.
(b) Piping for salt-water service must be of a corrosion-resistant material and, if ferrous, be hot-dip galvanized or be at least of extra-heavy schedule in wall thickness.
(c) Each Class II non-vital piping-system must be certified by the builder as suitable for its intended service. A written certificate to this effect must be submitted with the plans required by Sec. 127.110(d) of this subchapter.
(d) The cognizant OCMI will review the particular installation of each system for the safety hazards identified in paragraphs (a), (b)(1), and (c) through (k) of Sec. 56.50-1 of this chapter, and will add requirements as appropriate.