This part describes the various tankerman endorsements issued by the Coast Guard on a merchant mariner credential (MMC).
(a) This part prescribes the requirements for the following endorsements:
(1) Tankerman-PIC.
(2) Tankerman-PIC (Barge).
(3) Restricted Tankerman-PIC.
(4) Restricted Tankerman-PIC (Barge).
(5) Tankerman-assistant.
(6) Tankerman-engineer.
(b) This part prescribes the requirements for the following STCW endorsements:
(1) Advanced oil tanker cargo operation.
(2) Advanced chemical tanker cargo operation.
(3) Advanced liquefied gas tanker cargo operation.
(4) Basic oil and chemical tanker cargo operation.
(5) Basic liquefied gas tanker cargo operation. [USCG-2004-17914, 78 FR 77987, Dec. 24, 2013]