(a) Each vessel must have--
(1) A propulsion-control system operable from the pilothouse; and
(2) A means at each propulsion engine of readily disabling the propulsion-control system to permit local operation.
(b) Each propulsion-control system operable from the pilothouse must enable--
(1) Control of the speed of each propulsion engine;
(2) Control of the direction of propeller-shaft rotation;
(3) Control of propeller pitch, if a controllable-pitch propeller is fitted; and
(4) Shutdown of each propulsion engine.
(c) The propulsion-control system operable from the pilothouse may constitute the remote stopping-system required by Sec. 129.540 of this subchapter.
(d) Each propulsion-control system, including one operable from the pilothouse, must be designed so that no one complete or partial failure of an easily replaceable component of the system allows the propulsion engine to overspeed or the pitch of the propeller to increase.