This section applies to OSVs of at least 6,000 GT ITC (500 GRT if GT ITC is not assigned).
(a) The following maneuvering information must be prominently displayed in the pilothouse on a fact sheet:
(1) For full and half speed, a turning circle diagram to port and starboard that shows the time and the distance of advance and transfer required to alter the course 90 degrees with maximum rudder angle and constant power settings.
(2) The time and distance to stop the vessel from full and half speed while maintaining approximately the initial heading with minimum application of rudder.
(3) For each vessel with a fixed propeller, a table of shaft revolutions per minute for a representative range of speeds.
(4) For each vessel with a controllable pitch propeller, a table of control settings or a representative range of speeds.
(5) For each vessel that is fitted with an auxiliary device to assist in maneuvering, such as a bow thruster, a table of vessel speeds at which the auxiliary device is effective in maneuvering the vessel.
(b) The maneuvering information must be provided in the normal load and normal light condition with normal trim for a particular condition of loading, assuming the following:
(1) Calm weather--wind 10 knots or less, calm sea.
(2) No current.
(3) Deep water conditions--water depth twice the vessel's draft or more.
(4) Clean hull.
(c) At the bottom of the fact sheet, the following statement must appear:
(1) Warning, the response of the [NAME OF THE VESSEL] may be different from those listed above if any of the following conditions, upon which the maneuvering information is based, are varied:
(i) Calm weather--wind 10 knots or less, calm sea.
(ii) No current.
(iii) Deep water conditions--water depth twice the vessel's draft or more.
(iv) Clean hull.
(v) Intermediate drafts or unusual trim.
(d) The information on the fact sheet must be--
(1) Verified 6 months after the vessel is placed into service; or
(2) Modified 6 months after the vessel is placed into service and verified within 3 months thereafter.
(e) The information that appears on the fact sheet may be obtained from--
(1) Trial trip observations;
(2) Model tests;
(3) Analytical calculations;
(4) Simulations;
(5) Information established from another vessel of similar hull form, power, rudder and propeller; or
(6) Any combination of the above.
(f) The accuracy of the information on the fact sheet must be at a level comparable with that attainable by ordinary shipboard navigation equipment.
(g) The requirements for information for fact sheets for specialized craft, such as semi-submersibles and other vessels of unusual design, will be specified on a case-by-case basis. [USCG-2012-0208, 79 FR 48937, Aug. 18, 2014]