(a) The total NLS residue for each tank is calculated by adding the stripping quantity and the clingage NLS residue.
(b) The clingage NLS residue for each tank is calculated using the following formula: Qclingage = 1.1 x 10-4 Ad + 1.5 x 10-5 Aw + 4.5 x 10-4 L\1/2\ Ab where: Ab = Area of the tank bottom added to the area in square
meters of tank structural components projected on a horizontal
surfaceAd = Area of the tank underdecks added to the area in square
meters of tank structural components projected on a horizontal
surfaceAw = Area of the tank walls added to the area in square
meters of tank structural components projected on a vertical
surfaceL = Length of tank in meters from fore to aftQclingage = volume of clingage in cubic meters When using the formula in this paragraph, areas that are inclined more than 30[deg] from the horizontal may be assumed to be vertical.
Note: The Commandant (CG-ENG) (telephone number 202-372-1420) has information that may be useful in approximating surface areas of typical structural members for the projected area calculations under Sec. 153.1608(b). [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7788, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by USCG-2006-25697, 71 FR 55747, Sept. 25, 2006; USCG-2012-0832, 77 FR 59785, Oct. 1, 2012]
Table 1 to Part 153--Summary of Minimum Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
IMO Annex
II Cargo Vent Fire Special requirements Electrical
Cargo name Pollution Haz. containment height Vent Gauge protection in 46 CFR Part 153 hazard class
Category system system and group--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i..................... j.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Acetic acid.................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .409, .527, I-D
.554, .933.Acetic anhydride............... D S II 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .409, .526, I-D
.527, .554, .933.Acetochlor..................... A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NAAcetone cyanohydrin............ A S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .238(a), .316, .336, I-D
.408, .525, .526,
.527, .912(a)(2),
.933, .1002, .1004,
.1020, .1035.Acetonitrile................... III S II B/3 PV Restr A .409, .525, .526, I-D
.1020.Acrylamide solution (50% or D S II NR Open Closed NSR .409, .525(a), (c), NA
less). (d), (e), .912(a)(1),
.1002(a), .1004,
.1020.Acrylic acid................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .933,
.1002(a), .1004.Acrylonitrile.................. B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .236(a), (c), (d), I-D
.316, .408, .525,
.526, .527,
.912(a)(1), .1004,
.1020.Adiponitrile................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .526.................. I-DAlachlor....................... B S/P III NR Open Open A, C .238(a), .409, .440, NA
.488, .908(a), (b).Alcohol (C6-C17) (secondary) A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
poly(3-6)ethoxylates.Alcohol (C6-C17) (secondary) B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a), NA
poly(7-12)ethoxylates. (b).Alcohol(C9-C11) poly(2.5-9) B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NA
poly(...)ethoxylates, see
poly(...)ethoxylates.Alcohol(C12-C16) poly(1- A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
6)ethoxylates.Alcohol(C12-C16) poly(7- B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NA
19)ethoxylates.Alcohol(C12-C16) poly(20 + C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NA
)ethoxylates.Alkanes(C6-C9) (all isomers)... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DAlkane(C14-C17) sulfonic acid, B P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .908(a)......... NA
sodium salt solution (65% or
less).Alkaryl polyether (C9-C20)..... B P III NR Open Open A, B .409; (.440, .908(a)) NA
\1\.Alkenyl(C16-C20) succinic D S III B/3 PV Closed NSR .316, .408, .525, NA
anhydride. .526, .1020.Alkyl acrylate-Vinyl pyridine C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
copolymer in Toluene.Alkylaryl phosphate mixtures A S/P I B/3 PV Closed A, B, C .316, .408, .525, NA
(more than 40% Diphenyl tolyl .526, .1020.
phosphate, less than 0.02%
ortho- isomer).Alkyl(C3-C4)benzenes (all A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
isomers).Alkyl(C5-C8)benzenes (all A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D
isomers).Alkylbenzene, Alkylindane, A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
Alkylindene mixture (each C12-
C17).Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid C S/P III NR Open Open A, B .440, .908(a)......... NA
(greater than 4%).
Alkylbenzenesulfonic acid, C P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .903, .908(a), NA
sodium salt solution. (b).Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates.......... B S/P II NR Open Open A, B .409, .560, .1002..... NAAlkyl (C7-C11) phenol poly(4- B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488 \1\, I-D
12) ethoxylate. .908(a), (b).Alkyl(C8-C9) phenylamine in A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
aromatic solvent.Alkyl(C10-C20, saturated and C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NA
unsaturated) phosphite.Alkyl(C8-C10) polyglucoside C P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .908(a), (b).... NA
solution (65% or less).Alkyl(C12-C14) polyglucoside B P III NR Open Open NSR .409, .440, .908(a), NA
solution (55% or less). (b).Alkyl(C8-C10)/(C12-C14): (40% B P III NR Open Open NSR .409, .440, .908(a), NA
or less/60% or more) (b).
polyglucoside solution (55% or
less).Alkyl(C8-C10)/(C12-C14): (50/ C P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .908(a), (b).... NA
50%) polyglucoside solution
(55% or less).Alkyl(C8-C10)/(C12-C14): (60% C P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .908(a), (b).... NA
or more/40% or less)
polyglucoside solution (55% or
less).Allyl alcohol.................. B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .316, .408, .525, I-C
.526, .527, .933,
.1020.Allyl chloride................. B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .527, .1020.Aluminum chloride (30% or D S III 4m PV Restr NSR .252, .526, .527, I-B
less), Hydrochloric acid (20% .554, .557, .933,
or less) solution. .1045, .1052.2-(2-Aminoethoxy) ethanol...... D S III NR Open Open A, C, D .236(b), (c), .409.... NAAminoethylethanolamine......... D S III NR Open Open A .236(a), (b), (c), (g) NAN-Aminoethylpiperazine......... D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-C
.526.2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol D S III NR Open Open A .236(a), (b), (c), (g) I-D
(90% or less).Ammonia aqueous (28% or less),
see Ammonium hydroxide (28% or
less NH3).Ammonium bisulfite solution D S III 4m PV Restr No .238(e), .526, .933, NA
(70% or less). .1002.Ammonium hydroxide (28% or less C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B, C .236(b), (c), (f), I-D
NH3). .526, .527.Ammonium nitrate solution D S II NR Open Open NSR .238(d), .252, .336, NA
(greater than 45% and less .409, .554(a), (b).
than 93%).Ammonium sulfide solution (45% B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
or less). (g), .316, .408,
.525, .526, .527,
.933, .1002, .1020.Ammonium thiocyanate (25% or C P III NR Open Open NSR None.................. NA
less), Ammonium thiosulfate
(20% or less) solution.Ammonium thiosulfate solution C P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .908(b)......... NA
(60% or less).Amyl acetate (all isomers)..... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Dtert-Amyl methyl ether......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NAAniline........................ C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .933, .1020.Anthracene oil (Coal tar
fraction), see Coal tar.
Aviation alkylates............. C P III 4m PV Restr B .409.................. I-C
(C8 paraffins and iso-
paraffins, b. pt. 95-120 deg.
C).Barium long chain (C11-C50) B S/P II NR Open Open A, D .408, .440, .525(a), NA
alkaryl sulfonate. (c), (e), (d),
.908(a), .1020.Barium long chain alkyl (C8- [A] P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
C14) phenate sulfide.Benzene hydrocarbon mixtures C \2\ S/P III B/3 PV Closed A, B .316, .409, .440, I-D
\2\ (having 10% Benzene or .526, .908(b), .933,
more). .1060.Benzenesulfonyl chloride....... D S III 4m PV Restr A, B, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
(g), .409, .526.Benzene, Toluene, Xylene @C \2\ S/P III B/3 PV Closed B .316, .409, .440, I-D
mixtures \2\ (having 10% .526, .908(b), .1060.
Benzene or more).Benzyl acetate................. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DBenzyl alcohol................. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DBenzyl chloride................ B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .527,
.912(a)(2), .1004,
.1020.Bromochloromethane............. D S III 4m PV Restr NSR .236(a), (b), (d), NA
.526, .933.Butene oligomer................ B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NAButyl acetate (all isomers).... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DButyl acrylate (all isomers)... B S/P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Butylamine (all isomers)....... C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .316, I-D
.408, .525, .526,
.527, .1020.Butylbenzene (all isomers), see A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
Alkyl(C3-C4)benzenes (all
isomers).Butyl benzyl phthalate......... A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-Dn-Butyl butyrate, see Butyl
butyrate (all isomers).Butyl butyrate (all isomers)... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D1,2-Butylene oxide............. C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, C .372, .409, .440, I-B
.500, .526, .530(a),
(c), (e)-(g), (m)-
(o), .1010, .1011.n-Butyl ether.................. C S/P III B/3 PV Restr A, D .409, .500, .525, I-C
.526, .1020.Butyl heptyl ketone............ [C] P III NR Open Open A None.................. NAiso-Butyl isobutyrate, see
Butyl butyrate (all isomers).Butyl methacrylate............. D S III 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Butyl methacrylate, Decyl D S III 4m PV Restr A, C, D .912(a)(1), .1002(a), I-D
methacrylate, Cetyl-Eicosyl (b), .1004.
methacrylate mixture.n-Butyl propionate............. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DButyl toluene.................. @A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DButyraldehyde (all isomers).... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .526............ I-CButyric acid................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .554......... I-DCalcium alkyl(C9)phenol A P II NR Open Open A, B .409.................. NA
sulfide, polyolefin
phosphorosulfide mixture.
Calcium bromide, Zinc bromide
solution, see Drilling brine
(containing Zinc salts).Calcium hypochlorite solution C S/P III 4m PV Restr NSR .236(a), (b).......... NA
(15% or less).Calcium hypochlorite solution B S/P III 4m PV Restr NSR .236(a), (b), .409.... NA
(more than 15%).Calcium long chain alkyl(C5- C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NA
C10) phenate.Calcium long chain alkyl C P III NR Open Open A, B (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
salicylate (C13 + ). \1\.Camphor oil.................... B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B .409.................. I-DCarbolic oil................... A S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .408, .440, .525, NA
.526, .908(b), .933,
.1020.Carbon disulfide............... B S/P II B/3 PV Closed C .236(c), .252, .408, I-A
.500, .515, .520,
.525, .526, .527,
.1020, .1040.Carbon tetrachloride........... B S/P III B/3 PV Closed NSR .316, .409, .525, NA
.526, .527, .1020.Cashew nut shell oil D S III 4m PV Restr A, B .526, .933............ NA
(untreated).Caustic potash solution........ C S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (c), (g), NA
.933.Caustic soda solution.......... D S III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (c), (g), NA
.933.Cetyl-Eicosyl methacrylate III S III NR Open Open A, C, D .912(a)(1), .1002(a), NA
mixture. (b), .1004.Chlorinated paraffins (C10-C13) A P I NR Open Open A .408.................. NAChloroacetic acid (80% or less) C S/P II B/3 PV Closed NSR .238(e), .408, .440, I-D
.554, .908(b).Chlorobenzene.................. B S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526............ I-DChloroform..................... B S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .409, .525, .526, NA
.527, .1020.(crude) Chlorohydrins.......... D S II B/3 PV Closed A .408, .525, .526, I-D
.1020.4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic C P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), (g) NA
acid, dimethylamine salt
solution.o-Chloronitrobenzene B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C, D .316, .336, .408, NA
.440, .525, .526,
.908(a), (b), .933,
.1020.1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl B P III NR Open Open A, B, D .409, .440, .488, NA
pentan-3-one. .908(a), (b).2- or 3-Chloropropionic acid... C S/P III NR Open Open A .238(a), (b), .440, NA
.554, .908(a), (b).Chlorosulfonic acid............ C S/P I B/3 PV Closed NSR .408, .525, .526, I-B
.527, .554, .555,
.602, .933, .1000,
.1020, .1045.o-Chlorotoluene................ A S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B, C .409, .526............ I-Dm-Chlorotoluene................ B S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B, C .409, .526............ I-Dp-Chlorotoluene................ B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B, C .409, .440, .526, I-D
.908(b).Chlorotoluenes (mixed isomers). A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B, C .409, .526............ I-DCoal tar....................... A S/P II 4m PV Restr B, D .409, .933, .1060..... I-DCoal tar naphtha solvent....... B S/P III 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526, .933, I-D
.1060.Coal tar pitch (molten)........ D S III 4m PV Restr B, D .252, .409, .933, I-D
.1060.Cobalt naphthenate in solvent A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526............ I-D
naphtha.Coconut oil, fatty acid........ C P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(a), NA
(b).Cottonseed oil, fatty acid..... [C] P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(a)... NACreosote (coal tar)............ A S/P II NR Open Open A, B, D .409.................. I-DCreosote (wood)................ A S/P II NR Open Open A, B, D .409.................. NACresols (all isomers).......... A S/P II NR Open Open A, B .409, .440, .908(b)... I-D
Cresols with less than 5%
Phenol, see Cresols (all
isomers)Cresols with 5% or more Phenol,
see PhenolCresylate spent caustic A S/P II NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (c), .409, NA
(mixtures of Cresols and .933.
Caustic soda solutions).Cresylic acid, dephenolized.... A S/P II NR Open Open A, B .409.................. NACresylic acid, sodium salt
solution, see Cresylate spent
caustic.Crotonaldehyde................. A S/P II B/3 PV Restr A .316, .409, .525, I-C
.526, .527, .1020.Cumene (isopropylbenzene), see
Propylbenzene (all isomers).1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene........ A S/P I 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .408, I-D
.526, .912(a)(1),
.1002(a), (b), .1004.Cycloheptane................... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DCyclohexane.................... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .908(b)... I-DCyclohexanone.................. D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(a), (b), .409, I-D
.526.Cyclohexanone, Cyclohexanol D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(a), (b), .526.... I-D
mixture.Cyclohexyl acetate............. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DCyclohexylamine................ C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
(g), .409, .526.1,3-Cyclopentadiene dimer B P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .488, I-C
(molten). .908(a), (b).Cyclopentane................... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DCyclopentene................... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Dp-Cymene....................... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Diso-Decaldehyde................ @C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-Cn-Decaldehyde.................. @B P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-CDecanoic acid.................. C P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(a), NA
(b).Decene......................... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DDecyl acetate.................. B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NA(iso-, n-) Decyl acrylate...... A S/P II NR Open Open A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
.409, .912(a)(1),
.1002(a), (b), .1004.Decyl alcohol (all isomers).... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(b)... I-DDecyloxytetrahydro-thiophene A S/P II B/3 PV Restr A .409, .526............ NA
dioxide.Dibromomethane................. C S/P II 4m PV Restr NSR .236(a), (b), (d), NA
.408, .525(a), (c),
(d), (e), .526, .933,
.1020.Dibutylamine................... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(b), (c), .409, I-C
.526.Dibutyl hydrogen phosphonate... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NAortho-Dibutyl phthalate........ A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DDichlorobenzene (all isomers) B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B, D .236(a), (b), .409, I-D
\1\. .440, .488 \1\, .526,
.908(a), (b) \1\.3,4-Dichloro-1-butene.......... B S/P III B/3 PV Closed A, B, C .316, .409, .525(a), I-D
(c), (d), (e), .526,
.527, .933, .1020.1,1-Dichloroethane............. D S III 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526, .527...... I-D2,2'-Dichloroethyl ether....... B S/P II 4m PV Restr A .236(a), (b), .409, I-C
.526.1,6-Dichlorohexane............. B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526............ NA
2,2'-Dichloroisopropyl ether... C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(a), (b), .316, I-D
.408(a), .440, .525,
.526, .1020.Dichloromethane................ D S III 4m PV Restr NSR .526.................. I-D2,4-Dichlorophenol \4\......... A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
(g), .409, .440,
.500, .501, .526,
.908(b), .933.2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, A S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
diethanolamine salt solution. (g), .409.2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, A S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
dimethylamine salt solution. (g), .409.2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, A S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
triisopropanolamine salt (g), .409.
solution.1,1-Dichloropropane............ C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A, B .409, .525, .526, I-D
.1020.1,2-Dichloropropane............ C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A, B .409, .525, .526, I-D
.1020.1,3-Dichloropropane............ D S II B/3 PV Restr A, B .409, .525, .526, I-D
.1020.1,3-Dichloropropene............ B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B .316, .336, .408, I-D
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Dichloropropene, B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C, D .316, .336, .408, I-D
Dichloropropane mixtures. .526, .527.2,2-Dichloropropionic acid..... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(e), .266, .500, NA
.501, .554, .933.Diethanolamine................. D S III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c).......... NADiethylamine................... C S/P III B/3 PV Restr A .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .525,
.526, .527, .1020.Diethylaminoethanol, see
Diethylethanolamine2,6-Diethylaniline............. C S/P III NR Open Open B, C, D .236(b), .409, .440, NA
.908(b).Diethylbenzene................. A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DDiethylenetriamine............. D S III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c).......... NADiethylethanolamine............ C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .526.Diethyl ether, see Ethyl etherDi-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric C S/P III NR Open Open A, B, C, D .236(b), (c).......... I-D
acid.Diethyl phthalate.............. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DDiethyl sulfate................ B S/P II 4m PV Closed A, D .236(a), (c), (d), I-D
.409, .526, .933.Diglycidyl ether of Bisphenol A B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NADiglycidyl ether of Bisphenol F B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NADi-n-hexyl adipate............. B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NADiisobutylamine................ C S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .525(a),
(c), (d), (e), .526,
.1020.Diisobutylcarbinol............. @C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DDiisobutylene.................. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DDiisobutyl phthalate........... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... I-DDiisopropanolamine............. C S/P III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c), .440, I-D
.908(a), (b).Diisopropylamine............... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .236(b), (c), .408, I-C
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Diisopropylbenzene (all A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D
isomers).N,N-Dimethylacetamide.......... D S III B/3 PV Restr B .236(b), .316, .525, I-D
.526, .527, .1020.N,N-Dimethylacetamide solution D S III B/3 PV Restr B .236(b), .316, .526... I-D
(40% or less).Dimethyl adipate............... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(b)... NADimethylamine solution (45% or C S/P III B/3 PV Restr A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
less). (g), .409, .525,
.526, .527, .1020.Dimethylamine solution (over C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
45% but not over 55%). (g), .316, .408,
.525, .526, .527,
Dimethylamine solution (over C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
55% but not over 65%). (g), .316, .372,
.408, .525, .526,
.527, .1020.2,6-Dimethylaniline............ [C] S/P III NR Open Open B, C, D .236(b), .409, .440, I-D
.908(b).N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine.... C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A, C .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(g), .316, .409,
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine....... A S/P I NR Open Open B .236(b), .408......... NADimethylethanolamine........... D S III 4m PV Restr A, D .236(b), (c), .409, I-C
.526.Dimethylformamide.............. D S III 4m PV Restr A, D .236(b), .409, .526... I-DDimethyl glutarate............. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NADimethyl hydrogen phosphite.... B S/P III 4m PV Restr A, D .526.................. NADimethyl naphthalene sulfonic [A] P III NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
acid, sodium salt solution.Dimethyloctanoic acid.......... C P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(b)... I-DDimethyl phthalate............. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DDimethyl succinate............. C P III NR Open Open A .440, .908(b)......... NADinitrotoluene (molten)........ A S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .316, .408, .525, I-C
.526, .527, .1003,
.1020.1,4-Dioxane.................... D S II B/3 PV Closed A .408, .525, .526, I-C
.1020.Dipentene...................... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DDiphenyl....................... A P I NR Open Open B .408.................. I-DDiphenylamine (molten)......... B P III NR Open Open B, D .236(b), .409, .440, NA
.488, .908(b).Diphenylamines, alkylated...... A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NADiphenylamine, reaction product A S/P I NR Open Open A .408.................. NA
with 2,2,4-Trimethylpentene.Diphenyl, Diphenyl ether A P I NR Open Open B .408.................. I-D
mixtures.Diphenyl ether................. A P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DDiphenyl ether, Biphenyl phenyl A P III NR Open Open A, B .409.................. NA
ether mixture.Diphenylmethane diisocyanate B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C \6\, .236(a), (b), .316, NA
\6\. D .409, .440, .500,
.501, .525, .526,
.602, .908(a), .1000,
.1020.Diphenylol propane- B P III NR Open Open A, B .409, .440, .908(a)... NA
epichlorohydrin resins.Di-n-propylamine............... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-C
.525, .526, .1020.Dithiocarbamate ester (C7-C35). A P II NR Open Open A, D .409.................. NADodecanol...................... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, I-D
.908(a), (b).Dodecene (all isomers)......... B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DDodecyl alcohol, see Dodecanol.Dodecylamine, Tetradecylamine A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, D .236(b), (c), .409, NA
mixture. .526.Dodecyldimethylamine, A S/P II NR Open Open B, C, D .236(b), .409......... NA
mixture.Dodecyl diphenyl ether A S/P II NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
disulfonate solution.Dodecyl hydroxypropyl sulfide.. A P I NR Open Open A .408.................. NADodecyl methacrylate........... III S III NR Open Open A, C .236(b), (c), I-D
.912(a)(1), .1004.Dodecyl-Octadecyl methacrylate D S III NR Open Restr A, D .236(b), .912(a)(1), NA
mixture. .1002(a), (b), .1004.
Dodecyl-Pentadecyl methacrylate III S III NR Open Open A, C, D .912(a)(1), .1002(a), NA
mixture. (b), .1004.Dodecyl phenol................. A P I NR Open Open A .408.................. I-DDrilling brine (containing Zinc B P III NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
salts).Epichlorohydrin................ A S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .316, .408, .525, I-C
.526, .527, .1020.Ethanolamine................... D S III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c), .526.... I-D2-Ethoxyethyl acetate.......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-CEthyl acrylate................. A S/P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .526, .527, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Ethylamine..................... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed C, D .236(b), (c), .252, I-D
.372, .409, .525,
.526, .527, .1020.Ethylamine solution (72% or C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
less). (g), .372, .408,
.525(a), (c), (d),
(e), .526, .527,
.1020.Ethyl amyl ketone.............. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DEthylbenzene................... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DN-Ethylbutylamine.............. C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .525(a),
(c), (d), (e), .526,
.1020.Ethyl tert-butyl ether......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-CEthyl butyrate................. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DEthylcyclohexane............... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DN-Ethylcyclohexylamine......... D S III 4m PV Restr A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .526.S-Ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate.. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NAEthylene chlorohydrin.......... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, D .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .527, .933,
.1020.Ethylene cyanohydrin........... D S III NR Open Open A None.................. NAEthylenediamine................ C S/P II 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-D
.440, .526, .908(b).Ethylene dibromide............. B S/P II B/3 PV Closed NSR .408, .440, .525, NA
.526, .527, .908(b),
.1020.Ethylene dichloride............ B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B .236(b), .408, .526... I-DEthylene glycol butyl ether C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-C
acetate.Ethylene glycol diacetate...... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DEthylene glycol ethyl ether
acetate, see 2-Ethoxyethyl
acetateEthylene glycol methyl ether C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-C
acetate.Ethylene glycol monoalkyl ether D S III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-C
Ethylene glycol butyl ether
Ethylene glycol tert-butyl
Ethylene glycol ethyl ether
Ethylene glycol hexyl ether
Ethylene glycol methyl ether
Ethylene glycol n-propyl ether
Ethylene glycol isopropyl
etherEthylene oxide (30% or less), C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .252, .372, .408, I-B
Propylene oxide mixture. .440, .500, .525,
.526, .530, .1010,
.1011, .1020.Ethyl ether.................... III S II 4m PV Closed A .236(g), .252, .372, I-C
.408, .440, .500,
.515, .526, .527.Ethyl-3-ethoxypropionate....... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA2-Ethylhexanol................. @C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-D2-Ethylhexyl acrylate.......... B S/P III NR Open Open A .409, .912(a)(1), I-D
.1002(a), (b), .1004.2-Ethylhexylamine.............. B S/P II B/3 PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-D
.525, .526, .1020.Ethyl hexyl phthalate.......... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NAEthylidene norbornene.......... B S/P III B/3 PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(b), .409, .526... NAEthyl methacrylate............. D S III 4m PV Restr A, B, D .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.
Ethylphenol.................... A S/P III NR Open Open B .409.................. I-D2-Ethyl-3-propylacrolein....... A S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .526............ I-CEthyl toluene.................. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DFerric chloride solutions...... C S/P III NR Open Open NSR .409, .440, .554, I-B
.555, .908(b), .1045.Ferric nitrate, Nitric acid C S/P II 4m PV Restr NSR .408, .526, .527, I-B
solution. .554, .555, .559,
.933, .1045.Fluorosilicic acid (30% or C S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .252, .526, .527, I-B
less). .554, .555, .933,
.1045.Formaldehyde (50% or more), S/P III 4m PV Closed A .409, .526, .527...... I-B
Methanol mixtures.Formaldehyde solution (37% to C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .526, I-B
50%). .527, .908(b).Formic acid.................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(b), (c), .409, I-D
.526, .527, .554,
.933.Fumaric adduct of rosin, water B P III NR Open Open NSR .409, .440, .908(a)... NA
dispersion.Furfural....................... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .526............ I-CFurfuryl alcohol............... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-CGlutaraldehyde solution (50% or D S III NR Open Open NSR None.................. NA
less).Glycidyl ester of C10 Trialkyl
acetic acid, see Glycidyl
ester of Tridecyl acetic acid.Glycidyl ester of Tridecyl B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
acetic acid.Glyoxylic acid solution (50% or D S III NR Open Open A, C, D .238(e), .554(a), (b), NA
less). (c), .933, .1002.Heptane (all isomers), see C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
Alkanes(C6-C9) (all isomers).Heptanol (all isomers)......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DHeptene (all isomers).......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DHeptyl acetate................. B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NAHexamethylenediamine (molten).. C S/P II B/3 PV Closed C .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(g), .316, .336,
.409, .440, .525,
.526, .527, .908(a),
(b), .933, .1020.Hexamethylenediamine solution.. C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-D
.440, .526, .908(b).Hexamethylene diisocyanate. \6\ B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C \6\, D .238(d), .252, .316, NA
.336, .408, .500,
.501, .525, .526,
.527, .602, .1000,
.1020.Hexamethyleneimine............. C S/P II 4m PV Restr A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
(g), .409, .526.Hexane (all isomers), see C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
Alkanes(C6-C9).Hexene (all isomers)........... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DHexyl acetate.................. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DHydrochloric acid.............. D S III 4m PV Restr NSR .252, .526, .527, I-B
.554, .557, .933,
.1045, .1052.Hydrogen peroxide solutions C S/P III B/3 PV Closed NSR .238(a), (c), .355, NA
(over 8% but not over 60%). .409, .440(a)(1)&(2),
.500, .933,
.1004(a)(2), .1500.Hydrogen peroxide solutions C S/P II B/3 PV Closed NSR .238(a), (c), .355, NA
(over 60% but not over 70%). .409, .440(a)(1)&(2),
.500, .933,
.1004(a)(2), .1500.2-Hydroxyethyl acrylate........ B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .408, .525, .526, NA
.912(a)(1), .933,
.1002(a), (b), .1004,
.1020.N,N-bis(2-Hydroxyethyl) B P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .488, NA
oleamide. .908(a), (b).
2-Hydroxy-4- C P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(a)... NA
(methylthio)butanoic acid.alpha-hydro-omega-
methylene), see
Poly(tetramethylene ether)
glycols (mw 950-1050).Icosa (oxypropane-2,3-diyl)s... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NAIsophorone diamine............. D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .526.... NAIsophorone diisocyanate \6\.... B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C \6\, .236(a), (b), .316, NA
D .409, .500, .501,
.525, .526, .602,
.1000, .1020.Isoprene....................... C S/P III 4m PV Restr B .372, .409, .440, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Isopropylbenzene, see
Propylbenzene (all isomers)Lactonitrile solution (80% or B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .238(d), .252, .316, I-D
less). .336, .408, .440,
.525, .526, .527,
.908(a), .912(a)(2),
.1002, .1004, .1020,
.1035.Lauric acid.................... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, NA
.908(a), (b).Lauryl polyglucose (50% or
less), see Alkyl(C12-C14)
polyglucoside solution (55% or
less).Long chain alkaryl polyether C P III NR Open Open A, B (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
(C11-C20). \1\.Long chain polyetheramine in C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .903, I-D
alkyl(C2-C4)benzenes. .908(a).Magnesium long chain alkyl C P III NR Open Open A, B (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
salicylate (C11 + ). \1\.Maleic anhydride \7\........... D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A, C None.................. I-DMercaptobenzothiazol, sodium
salt solution, see Sodium-2-
mercaptobenzothiazol solutionMesityl oxide.................. D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409, I-D
.526.Metam sodium solution.......... A S/P II NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(g), .409.Methacrylic acid............... D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .526, NA
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
.1004.Methacrylic resin in Ethylene B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B .236(b), .408, .440, I-D
dichloride. .526, .908(a).Methacrylonitrile.............. D S II B/3 PV Closed A .236(b), .316, .408, NA
.525, .526, .527,
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
.1004, .1020.N-(2-Methoxy-1-methyl ethyl)-2-
chloroacetanilide, see
MetolachlorMethyl acrylate................ B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526, .527, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Methylamine solution (42% or C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
less). (g), .316, .408,
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Methylamyl acetate............. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DMethylamyl alcohol............. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DMethyl butyrate................ C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DMethylcyclohexane.............. C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DMethylcyclopentadiene dimer.... B P III 4m PV Restr B .409.................. I-BMethyl diethanolamine.......... D S III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c).......... I-CMethylene chloride, see
Dichloromethane2-Methyl-6-ethylaniline........ C S/P III NR Open Open A, B, C, D None.................. NA2-Methyl-5-ethylpyridine....... B S/P III NR Open Open A, D .236(b), .409......... I-DMethyl formate................. D S II B/3 PV Restr A .372, .408, .440, I-D
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Methyl heptyl ketone........... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
2-Methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butyne.... III S III 4m PV Restr A, B, C, D .236(b), (d), (f), I-D
(g), .409, .526.Methyl methacrylate............ D S II 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Methyl naphthalene (molten).... A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, D .409.................. I-D2-Methyl-1-pentene (Hexene (all
isomers)), see Alkanes(C6-C9).4-Methyl-1-pentene (Hexene (all
isomers)), see Alkanes(C6-C9).Methyl tert-pentyl ether, see
tert-Amyl methyl ether.2-Methylpyridine............... D S II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(b), .408, I-D
.525(a), (c), (d),
(e), .1020.3-Methylpyridine............... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(b), .408, I-D
.525(a), (c), (d),
(e), .1020.4-Methylpyridine............... D S II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .236(b), .408, .440, I-D
.525(a), (c), (d),
(e), .526, .908(b),
.1020.Methyl salicylate.............. B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-Dalpha-Methylstyrene............ A S/P III 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.3-(Methylthio) propionaldehyde. B S/P III B/3 PV Closed B, C .238(e), .316, .408, NA
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Metolachlor.................... B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NAMorpholine..................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), (c), .409.... I-CMotor fuel anti-knock compounds A S/P I B/3 PV Closed A, B, C .252, .316, .336, I-D
(containing lead alkyls). .408, .525, .526,
.527, .933, .1020,
.1025.Naphthalene (molten)........... A S/P II 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .440, .908(b)... I-DNaphthalene sulfonic acid, [A] P III NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
sodium salt solution (40% or
less).Naphthenic acid................ A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NANaphthenic acid, sodium salt [A] P II NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
solution.Neodecanoic acid............... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NANitrating acid (mixture of C S/P II B/3 PV Closed NSR .316, .408, .526, I-B
sulfuric and nitric acids). .527, .554, .555,
.556, .559, .602,
.933, .1000, .1045.Nitric acid (70% or less)...... C S/P II 4m PV Restr NSR .408, .526, .527, I-B
.554, .555, .559,
.933, .1045.Nitrobenzene................... B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, D .316, .336, .408, I-D
.440, .525, .526,
.908(b), .933, .1020.Nitroethane \7\................ D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A, C .236(b), .409, .526, I-C
.1002(a), (b), .1003.Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A .236(b), .409, .526, I-C
(each 15% or more) mixture \7\. .1002.o-Nitrophenol (molten)......... B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .409, .440, .525, NA
.526, .908(a), (b),
.1020.1- or 2-Nitropropane \7\....... D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A, C .409, .526............ I-CNitropropane (60%), Nitroethane D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A, C .236(b), .409, .526... I-C
(40%) mixture \7\.Nitropropane (20%), Nitroethane D S III 4m PV Restr \7\A, C .236(b), .409, .526, I-C
(80%) mixture \7\. .1002(a), (b), .1003.(o-, p-) Nitrotoluene.......... B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B .316, .408, .440, I-D
.525, .526, .908(b),
Nonane (all isomers), see C P III 4m PV Restr B, C .409.................. I-D
Alkanes(C6-C9).Nonene (all isomers)........... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DNonyl acetate.................. C P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DNonyl alcohol (all isomers).... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DNonyl phenol................... A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DNonyl phenol poly(4 + B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488 \1\, I-D
(1) A P I NR Open Open A .408.................. NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 1, Cat A.Noxious liquid, F., (2) n.o.s. A P I 4m PV Restr A .408.................. NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
1, Cat A.Noxious liquid, N.F., (3) A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 2, Cat A.Noxious liquid, F., (4) n.o.s. A P II 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
2, Cat A.Noxious liquid, N.F., (5) B P II NR Open Open A .409; (.440, .908) \1\ NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 2, Cat B.Noxious liquid, N.F., (6) B P II NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, NA
n.o.s. (``trade name'' .908(b); (.908(a))
contains ``principal \1\.
components'') ST 2, Cat B, mp.
equal to or greater than 15
deg. C.Noxious liquid, F., (7) n.o.s. B P II 4m PV Restr A .409; (.440, .908) \1\ NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
2, Cat B.Noxious liquid, F., (8) n.o.s. B P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .488, NA
(``trade name'' contains .908(b); (.908(a))
``principal components'') ST \1\.
2, Cat B, mp. equal to or
greater than 15 deg. C.Noxious liquid, N.F., (9) A P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 3, Cat A.Noxious liquid, F., (10) n.o.s. A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
3, Cat A.Noxious liquid, N.F., (11) B P III NR Open Open A (.409, .440, .908) \1\ NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 3, Cat B.Noxious liquid, N.F., (12) B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, NA
n.o.s. (``trade name'' .908(b); (.908(a))
contains ``principal \1\.
components'') ST 3, Cat B, mp.
equal to or greater than 15
deg. C.Noxious liquid, F., (13) n.o.s. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409; (.440, .908) \1\ NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
3, Cat B.
Noxious liquid, F., (14) n.o.s. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .488, NA
(``trade name'' contains .908(b); (.908(a))
``principal components'') ST \1\.
3, Cat B, mp. equal to or
greater than 15 deg. C.Noxious liquid, N.F., (15) C P III NR Open Open A (.440, .903, .908) \1\ NA
n.o.s. (``trade name''
contains ``principal
components'') ST 3, Cat C.Noxious liquid, F., (16) n.o.s. C P III 4m PV Restr A (.440, .903, .908) \1\ NA
(``trade name'' contains
``principal components'') ST
3, Cat C.Octane (all isomers), see C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
Alkanes(C6-C9).Octanol (all isomers).......... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DOctene (all isomers)........... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DOctyl acetate.................. C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DOctyl aldehydes................ B P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .908(b)... I-COctyl nitrates (all isomers),
see Alkyl(C7-C9) nitrates.Olefin mixtures (C5-C7)........ C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DOlefin mixtures (C5-C15)....... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Dalpha-Olefins (C6-C18) mixtures B P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .908(a), I-D
(b).Oleum.......................... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed NSR .316, .408, .440, I-B
.526, .527, .554,
.555, .556, .602,
.908(a), .933, .1000,
.1045, .1052.Oleylamine..................... A S/P II 4m PV Restr A .409, .526............ NAPalm kernel acid oil........... C P III NR Open Open A, B .440, .903, .908(a), NA
(b).Paraldehyde.................... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .908(b)... I-CParaldehyde-ammonia reaction C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .236 (a), (b), (c), NA
product. (g), .525(a), (c),
(e), .408, .526,
.1020.Pentachloroethane.............. B S/P II B/3 PV Restr NSR .316, .409, .525, NA
.526, .1020.1,3-Pentadiene................. C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B .409, .526, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002,
.1004.Pentane (all isomers).......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .372, .409............ I-Dn-Pentanoic acid (64%), 2- D S II B/3 Open Closed A, D .238(a), .408, I-D
Methyl butyric acid (36%) .525(a), (c), (e),
mixture. .554, .933, .1020.Pentene (all isomers).......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Dn-Pentyl propionate............ C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DPerchloroethylene.............. B S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .409, .526............ NAPhenol (or solutions with 5% or C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A .408, .440, .488, I-D
more Phenol). .525, .526, .908(a),
(b), .933, .1020.1-Phenyl-l-xylyl ethane........ C P III NR Open Open A, B None.................. NAPhosphate esters, alkyl(C12- B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
C14)amine.Phosphoric acid................ D S III NR Open Open NSR .554, .555, .558, I-B
.1045, .1052, .933.Phthalic anhydride (molten).... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A, D .440, .908(a), (b).... I-DPinene, see the alpha- or beta-
isomers.alpha-Pinene................... A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-D
beta-Pinene.................... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DPine oil....................... C P III NR Open Open A .440, .908(a)......... I-DPolyalkyl(C18-C22) acrylate in C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .903, NA
Xylene. .908(a).Polyalkylene oxide polyol...... C P III NR Open Open A .440, .903, .908(a)... NAPoly(2 + )cyclic aromatics..... A P II 4m PV Restr A, D .409.................. I-DPolyethylene polyamines........ C S/P III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c), .400, NA
.440, .908(b).Polyferric sulfate solution.... C S/P III NR Open Open NSR .238(d)............... NAPolyisobutenamine in aliphatic C P III NR Open Open A .903.................. NA
(C10-C14) solvent.Polymethylene polyphenyl D S II B/3 PV Closed A, C \6\, D .236(a), (b), .409, NA
isocyanate \6\. .500, .501, .525,
.526, .602, .1000,
.1020.Polyolefinamine (C28-C250)..... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NAPolyolefinamine in alkyl(C2- C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .903, I-D
C4)benzenes. .908(a).Polyolefin phosphorosulfide, C P III NR Open Open A, B (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
barium derivative (C28-C250). \1\.Poly(tetramethylene ether) B P III NR Open Open A, D .409, .440, .488, NA
glycols (mw 950-1050). .908(a), (b).Potassium hydroxide solution,
see Caustic potash solutionPotassium oleate............... C P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NAPotassium thiosulfate (50% or C P III NR Open Open NSR None.................. NA
less).iso-Propanolamine.............. C S/P III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c), .440, I-D
.526, .903, .908(b).n-Propanolamine................ C S/P III NR Open Open A, D .236(b), (c), .440, NA
.526, .908(b).Propionaldehyde................ C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .316, .409, .526, .527 I-CPropionic acid................. D S III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .409, .527, I-D
.554, .933.Propionic anhydride............ C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .238(a), .526......... I-DPropionitrile.................. C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, D .252, .316, .336, I-D
.408, .525, .526,
.527, .1020.iso-Propylamine................ C S/P II B/3 PV Closed C, D .236(b), (c), .372, I-D
.408, .440, .525,
.526, .527, .1020.iso-Propylamine solution (70% C S/P II B/3 PV Closed C, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
or less). (g), .408, .440,
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.n-Propylamine.................. C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .236(b), (c), .408, I-D
.500, .525, .526,
.527, .1020.n-Propylbenzene, see
Propylbenzene (all isomers).Propylbenzene (all isomers).... A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Dn-Propyl chloride.............. D S III 4m PV Restr A, B .409.................. I-Diso-Propylcyclohexane.......... C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .903, I-D
.908(a).Propylene dimer................ C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NAPropylene oxide................ C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .372, .408, .440, I-B
.500, .526, .530,
.1010, .1011.Propylene tetramer............. B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DPropylene trimer............... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-Diso-Propyl ether............... D S III 4m PV Restr A .409, .500, .515, I-D
.912(a)(1).Pyridine....................... D S III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), .409......... I-DRosin, see Rosin oil...........Rosin oil...................... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, I-D
.908(a), (b).Rosin soap (disproportionated) B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
solution.Sodium alkyl (C14-C17)
sulfonates 60-65% solution,
see Alkane (C14-C17) sulfonic
acid, sodium salt solution.Sodium aluminate solution...... D S III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(g), .933.Sodium borohydride (15% or C S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
less), Sodium hydroxide (g), .440, .908(a),
solution. .933.
Sodium chlorate solution (50% III S III NR Open Open NSR .409, .933, .1065..... NA
or less).Sodium dichromate solution (70% C S/P II B/3 Open Closed NSR .236(b), (c), .408, NA
or less). .525, .933, .1020.Sodium dimethyl naphthalene
sulfonate solution, see
Dimethyl naphthalene sulfonic
acid, sodium salt solution.Sodium hydrogen sulfide (6% or B P III NR Open Open NSR .409.................. NA
less), Sodium carbonate (3% or
less) solution.Sodium hydrogen sulfite D S III NR Open Open NSR None.................. NA
solution (45% or less).Sodium hydrosulfide solution B S/P III 4m PV Restr NSR .409, .440, .526, NA
(45% or less). .908(b), .933.Sodium hydrosulfide, Ammonium B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(a), (b), (c), NA
sulfide solution. (g), .316, .372,
.408, .525, .526,
.527, .933, .1002,
.1020.Sodium hydroxide solution, see
Caustic soda solutionSodium hypochlorite solution C S/P III 4m PV Restr NSR .236(a), (b), .933.... NA
(15% or less).Sodium long chain alkyl [C] P III NR Open Open A (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
salicylate (C13 + ). \1\.Sodium-2-mercaptobenzothiazol B S/P III NR Open Open NSR .236(a), (b), (c), NA
solution. (g), .409, .440,
.908(b), .933.Sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate
solution, see Metam sodium
solution.Sodium naphthalene sulfonate
solution (40% or less), see
Naphthalene sulfonic acid,
sodium salt solution (40% or
less).Sodium naphthenate solution,
see Naphthenic acid, sodium
salt solution.Sodium nitrite solution........ B S/P II NR Open Open NSR .408, .525(a), (c), NA
(d), (e), .1020.Sodium petroleum sulfonate..... B S/P II NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NASodium silicate solution....... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. NASodium sulfide solution (15% or B S/P III B/3 PV Closed NSR .236(a), (b), .409, NA
less). .440, .526, .908(b).Sodium sulfite solution (25% or C P III NR Open Open NSR .409, .440, .908(b)... NA
less).Sodium tartrates, Sodium D S III NR Open Open A, B .238(e)............... NA
succinates solution.Sodium thiocyanate solution B P III NR Open Open NSR .238(a), .409......... NA
(56% or less).Styrene monomer................ B S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B .236(b), .409, I-D
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Sulfohydrocarbon, long chain B P III NR Open Open A, B .409; (.440, .908(a)) NA
(C18 + ) alkylamine mixture. \1\.Sulfur (molten)................ III S III NR Open Open NSR .252, .440, .526, .545 I-CSulfuric acid.................. C S/P III NR Open Open NSR .440, .554, .555, I-B
.556, .602, .908(a),
(b), .933, .1000,
.1045, .1046, .1052.Tall oil (crude and distilled). B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, NA
.908(a), (b).
Tall oil, fatty acid (resin C P III NR Open Open A .440, .908(a), (b).... NA
acids less than 20%).Tall oil fatty acid, barium B S/P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a)... NA
salt.Tall oil soap B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(a), NA
(disproportionated) solution. (b).1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane...... B S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .316, .409, .525, NA
.526, .1020.Tetraethylenepentamine \3\..... D S III NR Open Open A .236(b), (c), (g)..... I-CTetrahydrofuran................ D S III 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526, I-C
.912(a)(2), .1004.Tetrahydronaphthalene.......... C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-DTetramethylbenzene (all A P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-D
isomers).Toluene........................ C P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DToluenediamine................. C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C, D .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(g), .316, .408,
.440, .525, .526,
.527, .908(a), (b),
.933, .1020.Toluene diisocyanate \6\....... C S/P II 4m PV Closed A, C \6\, D .236(b), .316, .408, I-D
.440, .500, .501,
.525, .526, .527,
.602, .908(b), .1000,
.1020.o-Toluidine.................... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .933, .1020.Tributyl phosphate............. B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene (molten) A S/P I B/3 PV Closed A, C, D .316, .408, .440, I-D
.526, .908(b), .933.1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene......... B S/P II 4m PV Restr A, B,C, .409, .440, .526, I-D
.908(b),.1,1,1-Trichloroethane.......... C P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D1,1,2-Trichloroethane.......... C S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .409, .525, .526, I-D
.933, .1020.Trichloroethylene.............. C S/P III B/3 PV Restr NSR .316, .409, .525, I-D
.526, .1020.1,2,3-Trichloropropane......... C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, B, C, D .316, .408, .525, I-D
.526, .933, .1020.1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2- C P III NR Open Open NSR None.................. NA
trifluoroethane.Tricresyl phosphate (less than A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D
1% of the ortho isomer).Tricresyl phosphate (1% or more A S/P I 4m PV Closed A, B .408, .525(a), (c), I-D
of the ortho isomer). (d), (e), .1020.Tridecanoic acid............... B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .488, NA
.908(a), (b).Triethanolamine................ D S III NR Open Open A .236(a), (b), (c), (g) I-CTriethylamine.................. C S/P II B/3 PV Restr A, B, C .236(b), (c), .409, I-C
.525, .526, .527,
.1020.Triethylbenzene................ A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. I-DTriethylene glycol di-(2- [C] P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-C
ethylbutyrate).Triethylenetetramine........... D S III NR Open Open A .236(a), (b), (c)..... I-CTriethyl phosphite............. B S/P III B/3 PV Restr A, B, D .409, .526............ NATriisopropylated phenyl A P II NR Open Open A .409.................. NA
phosphates.Trimethylacetic acid........... D S III 4m PV Restr A, C .238(a), .266, .554... I-DTrimethylamine solution (30% or C S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C .236(a), (b), (c), I-C
less). (g), .372, .408,
.440, .525, .526,
.527, .908(b), .1020.Trimethylbenzene (all isomers). A P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DTrimethylhexamethylenediamine D S III NR Open Open A, C .236(a), (b), (c), NA
(2,2,4- and 2,4,4- isomers). (g), .409.Trimethylhexamethylene B S/P II B/3 PV Closed A, C \6\ .316, .409, .500, NA
diisocyanate (2,2,4- and 2,4,4- .501, .525, .526,
isomers) \6\. .602, .1000, .1020.2,2,4-Trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol- C P III NR Open Open A None.................. I-D
1-isobutyrate.Trimethyl phosphite............ S III 4m PV Restr A, D .409, .526, .602, I-D
.1000.1,3,5-Trioxane................. D S III 4m PV Restr A, D .409.................. I-CTrixylenyl phosphate........... A P I NR Open Open A .408.................. NA
Trixylyl phosphate, see
Trixylenyl phosphate.Turpentine..................... B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. I-DUndecanoic acid................ B P III NR Open Open A .440, .908(a), (b).... NA1-Undecene..................... B P III NR Open Open A .409.................. I-D1- Undecyl alcohol............. B P III NR Open Open A .409, .440, .908(b)... I-DUrea, Ammonium nitrate solution C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .236(b), .526......... I-D
(containing more than 2% NH3).Valeraldehyde (all isomers).... C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .500, .526...... I-CVinyl acetate.................. C S/P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .912(a)(1), I-D
.1002(a), (b), .1004.Vinyl ethyl ether.............. C S/P II 4m PV Closed A .236(b), (d), (f), I-C
(g), .252, .372,
.408, .440, .500,
.515, .526, .527,
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Vinylidene chloride............ D S II 4m PV Restr B .236(a), (b), .372, I-D
.409, .440, .500,
.526, .527,
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.Vinyl neodecanate.............. B S/P III NR Open Open A, B .409, .912(a)(1), NA
.1002(a), (b), .1004.Vinyltoluene................... A S/P III 4m PV Restr A, B, D .236(a), (b), (c), I-D
(g), .409,
.912(a)(1), .1002(a),
(b), .1004.White spirit (low (15-20%) B P II 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
aromatic).Xylenes \8\ (ortho-, meta-, C P III 4m PV Restr A .409, .440, .908(b) I-D
para-). \8\.Xylenes, Ethylbenzene (10% or B P III 4m PV Restr A .409.................. NA
more) mixture.Xylenol........................ B S/P III NR Open Open A, B .409, .440, .908(a), NA
(b).Zinc alkaryl dithiophosphate C P III NR Open Open A, B (.440, .903, .908(a)) NA
(C7-C16). \1\.Zinc alkyl dithiophosphate (C3- B P III NR Open Open A, B .409; (.440, .908(a)) NA
C14). \1\.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Column Heading Footnotes:a. The cargo name must be as it appears in this column (see 153.900, 153.907). Words in italics are not part of the cargo name but may be used in
addition to the cargo name. When one entry references another entry by use of the word ``see'', and both names are in roman type, either name may be
used as the cargo name (e.g., Diethyl ether, see Ethyl ether). However, the referenced entry is preferred.The provisions contained in 46 CFR part 197, subpart C, apply to liquid cargoes containing 0.5% or more benzene by volume.b. This column lists the IMO Annex II Pollution Category.
A, B, C, D--NLS Category of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.
III--Appendix III of Annex II (non-NLS cargoes) of MARPOL 73/78.
--No determination of NLS status. For shipping on an oceangoing vessel, see 46 CFR 153.900(c).
[ ]--A NLS category in brackets indicates that the product is provisionally categorized and that further data are necessary to complete the evaluation
of its pollution hazards. Until the hazard evaluation is completed, the pollution category assigned is used.
@--The NLS category has been assigned by the U.S. Coast Guard, in absence of one assigned by the IMO. The category is based upon a GESAMP Hazard
Profile or by analogy to a closely related product having an NLS assigned.c. This column lists the hazard(s) of the commodity:
S--The commodity is included because of its safety hazards.
P--The commodity is included because of its pollution hazards.
S/P--The commodity is included because of both its safety and pollution hazards.d. This column lists the type of containment system the cargo must have (see 153.230 through 153.232).e. This column lists the height of any vent riser required (see 153.350 and 153.351).f. This column lists any vent control valve required (see 153.355).g. This column lists the type of gauging system required (see 153.400 through 153.406).
h. This column lists the type of fire protection system required. Where more than one system is listed, any listed system may be used. A dry chemical
system may not be substituted for either type of foam system unless the dry chemical system is listed as an alternative or the substitution is
approved by Commandant (CG-ENG) (telephone number 202-372-1420) (see 153.460). The types are as follows:
A is a foam system for water soluble cargoes (polar solvent foam).
B is a foam system for water insoluble cargoes (non-polar solvent foam).
C is a water spray system.
D is a dry chemical system.
NSR means there is no special requirement applying to fire protection systems.i. This column lists sections that apply to the cargo in addition to the general requirements of this part. The 153 Part number is omitted.j. This column lists the electrical hazard class and group used for the cargo when determining requirements for electrical equipment under Subchapter J
(Electrical Engineering) of this chapter.A number of electrical hazard class and group assignments are based upon that which appears in ``Classification of Gases, Liquids and Volatile Solids
Relative to Explosion-Proof Electrical Equipment'', Publication NMAB 353-5, National Academy Press, 1982, when not appearing in NFPA 497M, ``Manual
for Classification of Gases, Vapors and Dusts for Electrical Equipment in Hazardous (Classified) Locations.''The I-B electrical hazard does not apply to weather deck locations (see 46 CFR Part 111) for inorganic acids: Chlorosulfonic acid; Hydrochloric acid;
Nitrating acid; Nitric acid (70% or less); Oleum; Phosphoric acid; Sulfuric acid.Abbreviations used in the Table:
NR--No requirement.
NA--Not applicable.Abbreviations for Noxious Liquid cargoes:
N.F.--non-flammable (flash point greater than 60 deg C (140 deg F) closed cup (cc)).
F.--flammable (flash point less than or equal to 60 deg C (140 deg F) closed cup (cc)).
n.o.s.--not otherwise specified.
ST--Ship type.
Cat--Pollution category.Footnotes for Specific Cargoes:1. Special applicability:
153.440 and .908(a) apply to the chemical, and mixtures containing the chemical, with a viscosity of 25 mPa.s at 20 deg C (68 deg F).
153.440 and .908(b) apply to the chemical, and mixtures containing the chemical, with a melting point of 0 deg C (32 deg F) and above.
153.488 applies to the chemical, and mixtures containing the chemical, with a melting point of 15 deg C (59 deg F) and above.2. Benzene containing cargoes.
Applies to mixtures containing no other components with safety hazards and where the pollution category is C or less.3. Diammonium salt of Zinc ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solution; Tetraethylenepentamine.
Aluminum is a questionable material of construction with this cargo since pitting and corrosion has been reported. The IMO Chemical Code prohibits
aluminum as a material of construction for this cargo.4. 2,4-Dichlorophenol.
Some tank pitting has been reported when this cargo is contaminated with water, including moisture in the air. The IMO Chemical Code requires that the
vapor space over this cargo be kept dry.5. Reserved.6. Diphenylmethane diisocyanate; Hexamethylene diisocyanate; Isophorone diisocyanate; Polymethylene polyphenyl isocyanate; Toluene diisocyanate;
Trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate (2,2,4- and 2,4,4- isomers).
Water is effective in extinguishing open air fires but will generate hazardous quantities of gas if put on the cargo in enclosed spaces.7. Maleic anhydride; Nitroethane; Nitroethane, 1-Nitropropane mixtures; 1- or 2-Nitropropane; Nitropropane, Nitroethane mixtures.
Dry chemical extinguishers should not be used on fires involving these cargoes since some dry chemicals may react with the cargo and cause an
explosion.8. Xylenes.
Special requirement .908(b) only applies to the para- (p-) isomer, and mixtures containing the para-isomer having a melting point of 0 deg C (32 deg F)
or more. [USCG-2000-7079, 65 FR 67196, Nov. 8, 2000, as amended by USCG-2012-0832, 77 FR 59785, Oct. 1, 2012] Sec. Table 2 to Part 153--Cargoes Not Regulated Under Subchapters D or O
of This Chapter When Carried in Bulk on Non-oceangoing Barges
The cargoes listed in this table are not regulated under subchapter D or O of this title when carried in bulk on non-oceangoing barges. Category A, B, or C noxious liquid substance (NLS) cargo, as defined in Sec. 153.2 of this chapter, listed in this table, or any mixture containing one or more of these cargoes, must be carried under this subchapter if carried in bulk on an oceangoing ship. Requirements for Category D NLS cargoes and mixtures of non-NLS cargoes with Category D NLS cargoes are in 33 CFR part 151. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cargoes Category------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol solution............ IIIAmmonium hydrogen phosphate solution........................ DAmmonium lignosulfonate solution, see also Lignin liquor.... IIIAmmonium nitrate solution (45% or less)..................... DAmmonium nitrate, Urea solution (2% or less NH 3), see also D
Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (2% or less NH3)...........Ammonium phosphate, Urea solution, see also Urea, Ammonium D
phosphate solution.........................................Ammonium polyphosphate solution............................. DAmmonium sulfate solution (20% or less)..................... DAmmonium thiosulfate solution (60% or less)................. CApple juice................................................. IIICalcium bromide solution.................................... IIICalcium carbonate slurry.................................... IIICalcium chloride solution................................... IIICalcium hydroxide slurry.................................... DCalcium lignosulfonate solution, see also Lignin liquor..... IIICalcium nitrate, Magnesium nitrate, Potassium chloride III
solution...................................................Caramel solutions........................................... IIIChlorinated paraffins (C14-C17) (with 52% Chlorine)......... III2-Chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-5-triazine solution.. Choline chloride solution................................... DClay slurry................................................. IIICoal slurry................................................. IIIDextrose solution, see Glucose solution.....................Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, pentasodium salt III
solution...................................................1,4-Dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy anthracene, disodium salt D
solution...................................................Dodecenylsuccinic acid, dipotassium salt solution........... DDrilling brine (containing Calcium, Potassium, or Sodium III
salts) (see also Potassium chloride solution (10% or more))Drilling brine (containing Zinc salts)...................... BDrilling mud (low toxicity) (if non-flammable and non- [III]
combustible)...............................................Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt solution.. DEthylene-Vinyl acetate copolymer (emulsion)................. IIIFerric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium D
salt solution..............................................Fish solubles (water based fish meal extracts).............. IIIFructose solution........................................... Glucose solution............................................ IIIGlycine, sodium salt solution............................... IIIHexamethylenediamine adipate solution....................... DN-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium D
salt solution..............................................Kaolin clay solution........................................ IIIKaolin slurry............................................... IIIKraft pulping liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)
including: Black, Green, or White liquor...................Lignin liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)
Ammonium lignosulfonate solution........................ III
Calcium lignosulfonate solution......................... III
Sodium lignosulfonate solution.......................... IIILignin sulfonic acid, sodium salt solution, see also Lignin III
(1) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains A
``principle components'') ST 1, Cat A (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (3) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains A
``principle components'') ST 2, Cat A (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (5) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains B
``principle components'') ST 2, Cat B (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (6) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains B
``principle components'') ST 2, Cat B, mp. equal to or
greater than 15 deg. C (if non-flammable or non-
combustible)...............................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (9) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains A
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat A (if non-flammable or
Noxious liquid, N.F., (11) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains B
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat B (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (12) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains B
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat B, mp. equal to or
greater than 15 deg. C (if non-flammable or non-
combustible)...............................................Noxious liquid, N.F., (15) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains C
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat C (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, n.o.s. (17) (``trade name,'' contains D
``principal components''), Category D (if non-flammable or
non-combustible)...........................................Non-noxious liquid, n.o.s. (18) (``trade name,'' contains III
``principal components''), Appendix III (if non-flammable
or non-combustible)........................................Pentasodium salt of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
solution, see Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid,
pentasodium salt solution..................................Polyaluminum chloride solution.............................. IIIPotassium chloride solution (10% or more)(see also the III
drilling brines entry).....................................Sewage sludge, treated (treated so as to pose no additional
decompositional and fire hazard; stable, non-corrosive, non-
toxic, non-flammable)......................................Silica slurry............................................... [III]Sludge, treated (treated so as to pose no additional
decompositional and fire hazard; stable, non-corrosive, non-
toxic, non-flammable)......................................Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (containing 1% or
less, Sodium hydroxide) (if non-flammable or non-
combustible)...............................................Sodium aluminosilicate slurry............................... IIISodium carbonate solution................................... DSodium lignosulfonate solution, see also Lignin liquor...... IIISodium naphthenate solution (free alkali content, 3% or
less), see Naphthenic acid, sodium salt solution...........Sodium poly(4 + )acrylate solution.......................... IIISodium silicate solution.................................... CSodium sulfate solution..................................... IIISorbitol solution........................................... IIISulfonated polyacrylate solution............................ IIITetrasodium salt of Ethylenediaminetetraaacetic acid
solution, see Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium
salt solution..............................................Titanium dioxide slurry..................................... III1,1,1-Trichloroethane....................................... C1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane....................... CTrisodium salt of N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine triacetic
acid solution, see N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine
triacetic acid, trisodium salt solution....................Urea, Ammonium mono- and di-hydrogen phosphate, Potassium D
chloride solution..........................................Urea, Ammonium nitrate solution (2% or less NH3), see also D
Ammonium nitrate, Urea solution (2% or less)...............Urea, Ammonium phosphate solution, see also Ammonium D
phosphate, Urea solution...................................Urea solution............................................... IIIVanillan black liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)..... Vegetable protein solution (hydrolysed)..................... IIIWater....................................................... IIIZinc bromide, Calcium bromide solution, see Drilling brine
(containing Zinc salts)....................................
------------------------------------------------------------------------Explanation of Symbols: As used in this table, the following stand for:A, B, C, D--NLS Category of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.I--Considered an ``oil'' under Annex I of MARPOL 73/78.III--Appendix III of Annex II (non-NLS cargoes) of MARPOL 73/78.LFG--Liquefied flammable gas.--No determination of NLS status. For shipping on an oceangoing vessel,
see 46 CFR 153.900(c).[ ]--A NLS category in brackets indicates that the product is
provisionally categorized and that further data are necessary to
complete the evaluation of its pollution hazards. Until the hazard
evaluation is completed, the pollution category assigned is used.@The NLS category has been assigned by the U.S. Coast Guard, in absence
of one assigned by the IMO. The category is based upon a GESAMP Hazard
Profile or by analogy to a closely related product having an NLS
Abbreviations for Noxious liquid Cargoes:
N.F.--non-flammable (flash point greater than 60 degrees C (140 degrees
F) cc).
n.o.s.--not otherwise specified.
ST--Ship type.
Cat--Pollution category. [CGD 88-100, 54 FR 43584, Oct. 26, 1989; CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17044, Apr. 11, 1994, as amended by CGD 94-900, 59 FR 45142, Aug. 31, 1994; CGD 94-902, 60 FR 34043, June 29, 1995; CGD 95-900, 60 FR 34052, June 29, 1995; USCG-2000-7079, 65 FR 67213, Nov. 8, 2000]
Effective Date Note: By USCG-2013-0423, 78 FR 50208, Aug. 16, 2013, table 2 to part 153 was revised, effective Sept. 16, 2013. At 78 FR 56837, Sept. 16, 2013, the effectiveness was delayed until Jan. 16, 2014. At 79 FR 2106, Jan. 13, 2014, the effectiveness was delayed until Jan. 16, 2015. At 79 FR 68132, Nov. 14, 2014, the effectiveness was further delayed until Jan. 16, 2017. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: Sec. Table 2 to Part 153--Cargoes Not Regulated Under Subchapters D or O
of This Chapter When Carried in Bulk on Non-Oceangoing Barges
[The cargoes listed in this table are not regulated under subchapter D
or O of this title when carried in bulk on non-oceangoing barges.
Category X, Y, or Z noxious liquid substance (NLS) cargo, as defined in
Annex II of MARPOL 73/78, listed in this table, or any mixture
containing one or more of these cargoes, must be carried under this
subchapter if carried in bulk on an oceangoing ship.]------------------------------------------------------------------------
Cargoes category------------------------------------------------------------------------Acrylic acid/ethenesulfonic acid copolymer with phosphonate Z
groups, sodium salt solution *.............................Aluminum sulfate solution *................................. Y2-Amino-2-hydroxymethyl-1,3-propanediol solution............ Ammonium hydrogen phosphate solution........................ ZAmmonium lignosulfonate solutions, see also Lignin liquor... ZAmmonium nitrate solution (45% or less)..................... Ammonium phosphate, urea solution, see also Urea, Ammonium
phosphate solution.........................................Ammonium polyphosphate solution............................. ZAmmonium sulfate solution................................... ZAmmonium thiosulfate solution (60% or less)................. ZApple juice................................................. OSCalcium bromide solution.................................... ZCalcium carbonate slurry.................................... OSCalcium chloride solution................................... ZCalcium hydroxide slurry.................................... ZCalcium lignosulfonate solution, see also Lignin liquor..... ZCalcium nitrate solutions (50% or less) *................... ZCalcium nitrate/Magnesium nitrate/Potassium chloride Z
solution...................................................Caramel solutions........................................... Chlorinated paraffins (C14-C17) (with 50% Chlorine or more, X
and less than 1% C13 or shorter chains) *..................Chlorinated paraffins (C14-C17) (with 52% Chlorine)......... 2-Chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-5-triazine solution.. 4-Chloro-2-methylphenoxyacetic acid, dimethylamine salt Y
solution *.................................................Choline chloride solutions.................................. ZClay slurry................................................. OSCoal slurry................................................. OSDextrose solution, see Glucose solution.....................Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid, pentasodium salt Z
solution...................................................1,4-Dihydro-9,10-dihydroxy anthracene, disodium salt
solution...................................................Dodecenylsuccinic acid, dipotassium salt solution........... Drilling brine (containing Calcium, Potassium, or Sodium
salts) (see also Potassium chloride solution (10% or more))Drilling brines, including: Calcium bromide solution, Z
Calcium chloride solution and Sodium chloride solution (if
non-flammable and non-combustible).........................Drilling brines (containing Zinc salts)..................... XDrilling mud (low toxicity) (if non-flammable and non-
combustible)...............................................Ethylene-Vinyl acetate copolymer (emulsion)................. YFerric hydroxyethylethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium
salt solution..............................................Fish solubles (water based fish meal extracts).............. Fructose solution........................................... Glucose solution............................................ OSGlycine, Sodium salt solution............................... ZGlyphosate solution (not containing surfactant) *........... YHexamethylenediamine adipate solution....................... Hexamethylenediamine adipate (50% in water)................. ZN-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine triacetic acid, trisodium Y
salt solution..............................................Kaolin clay solution........................................ Kaolin slurry............................................... OSKraft pulping liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)
including: Black, Green, or White liquor...................Lignin liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)............. Z
Ammonium lignosulfonate solutions................... Z
Calcium lignosulfonate solutions.................... Z
Sodium lignosulfonate solution...................... ZLigninsulfonic acid, Sodium salt solution................... ZMagnesium chloride solution................................. ZMagnesium hydroxide slurry.................................. ZMagnesium sulfonate solution................................ Maltitol solution *......................................... OSMicrosillica slurry *....................................... OSMilk........................................................ Molasses.................................................... OSMolasses residue (from fermentation)........................ Naphthalenesulfonic acid-Formaldehyde copolymer, sodium salt Z
(1) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains X
``principle components'') ST 1, Cat X (if non-flammable and
Noxious liquid, NF, (3) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains X
``principle components'') ST 2, Cat X (if non-flammable and
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, NF, (5) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains Y
``principle components'') ST 2, Cat Y (if non-flammable and
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, NF, (7) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains Y
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat Y (if non-flammable and
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, NF, (9) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains Z
``principle components'') ST 3, Cat Z (if non-flammable and
non-combustible)...........................................Noxious liquid, NF, (11) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains Z
``principle components'') Cat Z (if non-flammable and non-
combustible)...............................................Noxious liquid, NF, (12) n.o.s. (``trade name'' contains OS
``principle components'') Cat OS (if non-flammable and non-
combustible)...............................................Orange juice (concentrated) *............................... OSOrange juice (not concentrated) *........................... OSPentasodium salt of Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid
solution, see Diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid,
pentasodium salt solution..................................Polyaluminum chloride solution.............................. ZPotassium chloride solution (26% or more), see Drilling
brines, including: Calcium bromide solution, Calcium
chloride solution and Sodium chloride solution.............Potassium chloride solution (less than 26%) *............... OSPotassium formate solutions *............................... ZPotassium thiosulfate (50% or less) *....................... YSewage sludge, treated (treated so as to pose no additional
decompositional and fire hazard; stable, non-corrosive, non-
toxic, non-flammable)......................................Silica slurry............................................... Sludge, treated (treated so as to pose no additional
decompositional and fire hazard; stable, non-corrosive, non-
toxic, non-flammable)......................................Sodium acetate, Glycol, Water mixture (containing 1% or less
Sodium hydroxide) (if non-flammable or non-combustible)....Sodium acetate solutions.................................... ZSodium alkyl (C14-C17) sulfonates (60-65% solution) *....... YSodium aluminosilicate slurry............................... ZSodium bicarbonate solution (less than 10%) *............... OSSodium carbonate solution................................... ZSodium hydrogen sulfide (6% or less)/Sodium carbonate (3% or Z
less) solution *...........................................Sodium lignosulfonate solution, see also Lignin liquor...... ZSodium naphthenate solution (free alkali content, 3% or
less), see Naphthenic acid, sodium salt solution...........Sodium poly(4 + )acrylate solutions......................... ZSodium silicate solution.................................... YSodium sulfate solutions.................................... ZSodium sulfite solution (25% or less) *..................... YSodium thiocyanate solution (56% or less) *................. YSorbitol solution........................................... OSSulfonated polyacrylate solution............................ ZTetrasodium salt of Ethylenediaminetetraaacetic acid
solution, see Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, tetrasodium
salt solution..............................................Titanium dioxide slurry..................................... Z1,1,1-Trichloroethane....................................... Y1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane....................... YTrisodium salt of N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine triacetic
acid solution, see N-(Hydroxyethyl)ethylenediamine
triacetic acid, trisodium salt solution....................Urea, Ammonium mono- and di-hydrogen phosphate, Potassium
chloride solution..........................................Urea/Ammonium nitrate solution *............................ ZUrea/Ammonium phosphate solution............................ YUrea solution............................................... ZVanillan black liquor (free alkali content, 1% or less)..... Vegetable protein solution (hydrolyzed) (if non-flammable OS
and non-combustible).......................................Water....................................................... OSZinc bromide, Calcium bromide solution, see Drilling brines
(containing Zinc salts)....................................------------------------------------------------------------------------Explanation of Symbols Used in this Table:X, Y, Z--NLS Category of Annex II of MARPOL 73/78.--No determination of NLS status. For shipping on an oceangoing vessel,
see 46 CFR 153.900(c).OS--Other substances, at present considered to present no harm to marine
resources, human health, amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea
when discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting
operations.Abbreviations for Noxious Liquid Cargoes Used In This Table:Cat--Pollution category.NF--Non-flammable (flash point greater than 60 degrees C (140 degrees F)
cc).n.o.s.--Not otherwise specified.ST--Ship type.*--From the March 2012 Annex to the 2007 IBC Code.
Sec. Appendix I to Part 153 [Reserved]
Sec. Appendix II to Part 153--Metric Units Used in Part 153 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Equivalent to English
Parameter Metric (SI unit) Abbreviation or common metric----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Force................................ Newton................. N...................... 0.225 lbs.Length............................... Meter.................. m...................... 39.37 in.
Centimeter............. cm..................... .3937 in.Pressure............................. Pascal................. Pa..................... 1.450 x 10-4 lbs/in
Kilo-Pascal (1,000 kPa.................... 0.145 lbs/in \2\.
Kilo-Pascal............ kPa.................... 1.02 x 10-2 kg/cm\2\.
......do............... kPa.................... 1 x 10 \3\ N/m \2\.Temperature.......................... Degree Celsius......... [deg]C................. 5/9 ([deg]F-32).Viscosity............................ milli-Pascal second.... mPa. sec............... 1.0 centipoise.Volume............................... Cubic meter............ m \3\.................. 264 gallons (gal).
......do............... m \3\.................. 35.3 ft. \3\---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [CGD 73-96, 42 FR 49027, Sept. 26, 1977, as amended by CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21212, May 17, 1982; CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7799, Mar. 12, 1987. Redesignated by CGD 92-100, 59 FR 17045, Apr. 11, 1994]