(a) Except as prescribed in paragraph (c) of this section, when Table 1 refers to this section, the containment system must meet the following requirements:
(1) A heated or refrigerated cargo tank must have a remote reading thermometer sensing the temperature of the cargo at the bottom of the tank.
(2) A refrigerated tank must have a remote reading second thermometer near the top of the tank and below the maximum liquid level allowed by Sec. 153.981.
(3) Unless waived under Sec. 153.491(a), a cargo tank endorsed to carry a Category A, B, or C NLS cargo must have a thermometer whose temperature reading is no greater than the temperature of the cargo at a level above the tank bottom at least one-eighth but no more than one-half the height of the tank if the cargo is--
(i) A Category A NLS or a Category B NLS having a viscosity of at least 25 mPa.s at 20 [deg]C;
(ii) A Category C NLS having a viscosity of at least 60 mPa.s at 20 [deg]C; or
(iii) A Category A, B, or C NLS that has a melting point greater than 0 [deg]C.
(b) A readout for each remote thermometer required by this section must be at the point where cargo transfer is controlled.
(c) A portable thermometer may be substituted for the equipment required in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section if--
(1) Table 1 allows open gauging with the cargo; or
(2) Table 1 allows restricted gauging with the cargo, and the portable thermometer is designed to be used through the containment system's restricted gauging system. [CGD 78-128, 47 FR 21209, May 17, 1982, as amended by CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987; CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28974, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989]
Special Requirements for Flammable or Combustible Cargoes