At its discretion the Coast Guard waives Sec. Sec. 153.481 and 153.482 under this section and allows a ship to carry Category B and C NLS cargoes between ports or terminals in one or more countries signatory to MARPOL 73/78 if the ship's owner requests a waiver following the procedures in Sec. 153.10 and includes--
(a) A written pledge to--
(1) Limit the loading and discharge of Category B and C NLS cargoes in a foreign port to those ports and terminals in countries signatory to MARPOL 73/78 and listed in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section; and
(2) Prewash the cargo tank as required under Sec. 153.1118 after each Category B or C NLS is unloaded unless the prewash is allowed to be omitted under Sec. 153.1114;
(b) A list of--
(1) All foreign ports or terminals at which the ship is expected to load or discharge Category B or C NLS cargo, and
(2) All foreign ports or terminals at which the ship is expected to discharge Category B or C NLS residue from the tank;
(c) An estimate of the quantity of NLS residue to be discharged to each foreign port or terminal listed under paragraph (b)(2) of this section;
(d) Written statements from the owners of adequate reception facilities in the ports and terminals listed in accordance with paragraph (b)(2) of this section who have agreed to take NLS residue from the ship, showing the amount of NLS residue each agrees to take; and
(e) A written attestation from the person in charge of each port or terminal listed in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this section that the administration has determined the port or terminal to have adequate reception facilities for the NLS residue.
Note to Sec. 153.483: Certificates of Inspection and any IMO Certificates issued to ships on restricted voyage waivers indicate that while the ship carries an NLS cargo or NLS residue, it is limited to voyages between the ports or terminals listed on the certificate. [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989]