(a) Unless waived under Sec. 153.491, to have a Certificate of Inspection or Certificate of Compliance endorsed to carry NLS cargo, a ship must have--
(1) If U.S., a Cargo Record Book published by the Coast Guard (OMB App. No. 1625-0094), or, if foreign, a Cargo Record Book having the same entries and format as Appendix 4 of Annex II; and
(2) A Procedures and Arrangements Manual meeting paragraph (b) of this section and approved by--
(i) The Coast Guard, if the ship is a United States ship or one whose Administration is not signatory to MARPOL 73/78; or
(ii) The Administration, if the ship is one whose Administration is signatory to MARPOL 73/78.
(b) Each Procedures and Arrangements Manual under paragraph (a)(2) of this section must include the following:
(1) The standard format and content prescribed in Chapter 2 and Appendix D of the IMO Standards for Procedures and Arrangements for the Discharge of Noxious Liquid Substances, Resolution MEPC 18(22), 1985, or, for ships for which the only NLS carried is a Category D NLS and ships having a waiver under Sec. 153.483 or Sec. 153.491, the format and content prescribed by the Commandant (CG-ENG).
(2) If the ship has a tank that carries a cargo under a waiver issued under Sec. 153.483, procedures ensuring that--
(i) Category B and C NLSs are discharged from the tank only in the ports or terminals listed in accordance with Sec. 153.483(b); and
(ii) The tank is prewashed after discharging each Category B or C NLS unless Sec. 153.1114 allows the prewash to be omitted.
(3) If ventilation is used to clean a tank under Sec. 153.1102(b)(2), ventilation procedures that meet those in Appendix C of the IMO Standards for Procedures and Arrangements for the Discharge of Noxious Liquid Substances, Resolution MEPC 18(22), 1985.
(4) If tank cleaning agents are used, quantities to use and instructions for using the cleaning agents.
(5) If the tank has the discharge recording equipment required in Sec. 153.481(b), procedures to ensure that no NLS residue is discharged from the tank when the recording equipment is incapacitated unless the concentration and total quantity limits for the NLS in Annex II are not exceeded. [CGD 81-101, 52 FR 7781, Mar. 12, 1987, as amended by CGD 81-101, 53 FR 28975, Aug. 1, 1988 and 54 FR 12629, Mar. 28, 1989; USCG-2006-25697, 71 FR 55747, Sept. 25, 2006]