(a) Instead of the equipment under Sec. 35.30-20 of this chapter, a vessel of less than 25,000 m\3\ cargo capacity must have the following personnel safety equipment:
(1) Six self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(3) Six steel-cored lifelines.
(4) Six Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 154.1).
(5) Three fire axes.
(6) Six helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969).
(7) Six sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or other electrically non-conductive material.
(8) Six sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection, Z-87.1 (1979).
(9) Three outfits that protect the skin from scalding steam and the heat of a fire, and that have a water resistant outer surface.
(10) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers from the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo vapor.
(b) Instead of the equipment under Sec. 35.30-20 of this chapter, a vessel of 25,000 m\3\ cargo capacity or more must have the following personnel safety equipment:
(1) Eight self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(3) Eight steel-cored lifelines.
(4) Eight Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 154.1).
(5) Three fire axes.
(6) Eight helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969).
(7) Eight sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or other electrically non-conductive material.
(8) Eight sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection, Z-87.1 (1979).
(9) Five outfits that protect the skin from scalding steam and the heat of a fire, and that have a water resistant outer surface.
(10) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers from the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo vapor.
(c) When Table 4 references this section, a vessel carrying the listed cargo must have the following additional personnel protection equipment:
(1) Three self-contained, pressure-demand-type, air-breathing apparatus approved by the Mining Enforcement and Safety Administration (MESA) or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(2) Nine spare bottles of air for the self-contained air-breathing apparatus, each having at least a 30 minute capacity.
(3) Three steel-cored lifelines.
(4) Three Type II or Type III flashlights constructed and marked in accordance with ASTM F 1014 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 154.1).
(5) Three helmets that meet ANSI Safety Requirements for Industrial Head Protection, Z-89.1 (1969).
(6) Three sets of boots and gloves that are made of rubber or other electrically non-conductive material.
(7) Three sets of goggles that meet the specifications of ANSI Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protection, Z-87.1 (1979).
(8) Three chemical protective outfits that protect the wearers from the particular personnel hazards presented by the cargo vapor. [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD 77-069, 52 FR 31630, Aug. 21, 1987; CGD 82-042, 17705, May 18, 1988; USCG-1999-5151, 64 FR 67183, Dec. 1, 1999]