The following insulation information must be submitted for special approval by the Commandant (CG-ENG):
(a) Compatibility with the cargo.
(b) Solubility in the cargo.
(c) Absorption of the cargo.
(d) Shrinkage.
(e) Aging.
(f) Closed cell content.
(g) Density.
(h) Mechanical properties.
(i) Thermal expansion.
(j) Abrasion.
(k) Cohesion.
(l) Thermal conductivity.
(m) Resistance to vibrations.
(n) Resistance to fire and flame spread.
(o) The manufacturing and installation details of the insulation including:
(1) Fabrication;
(2) Storage;
(3) Handling;
(4) Erection; and
(5) Quality control. [CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, as amended by CGD 82-063b, 48 FR 4782, Feb. 3, 1983]
Support System