(a) Cartridge. Each pistol-projected parachute red flare distress signal shall be legibly marked as follows:
Pistol-Projected Parachute Red Flare Distress Signal 20,000 candela--30 seconds burning timeuse only when aircraft or vessel is sighted directions--Fire upward from signal pistolService Life Expiration Date (date to be inserted by manufacturer) (Month and year manufactured) Lot No.------Manufactured by (Name and address of manufacturer)U.S. COAST GUARD APPROVAL NO.------.
(b) Marking of expiration date. The expiration date must be not more than 42 months from the date of manufacture.
(c) Other marking. (1) On each pistol-projected parachute red flare distress signal there shall be die-stamped, in figures not less than 3mm (\1/8\ in.) high, on the cartridge, numbers indicating the month and year of manufacture, thus: ``6-54'' indicating June 1954.
(1) On each pistol-projected parachute red flare distress signal there shall be die-stamped, in figures not less than 3mm (\1/8\ in.) high, on the cartridge, numbers indicating the month and year of manufacture, thus: ``6-54'' indicating June 1954.
(2) The pyrotechnic candle shall be legibly marked with the month and year of manufacture.
(3) In addition to any other marking placed on the smallest packing carton or box containing cartridges, each carton or box shall be plainly and permanently marked to show the service life expiration date, the date of manufacture, and the lot number.
(4) The largest carton or box in which the manufacturer ships signals must be marked with the following or equivalent words: ``Keep under cover in a dry place.''
Note: Compliance with the labeling requirements of this section does not relieve the manufacturer of the responsibility of complying with the label requirements of 15 U.S.C. 1263, the Federal Hazardous Substances Act.