(a) General. Containers of emergency drinking water must be tested in accordance with the provisions of this section by an independent laboratory accepted by the Coast Guard under 46 CFR 159.010.
(b) Lots. For purposes of sampling the production of approved emergency drinking water for lifeboats and life rafts, a lot shall consist of all cans of water to be offered for inspection at one time. Lots shall be numbered serially by the packer, and a new lot shall be started with any change or modification in materials or production methods.
(c) Visual inspection of containers. The independent laboratory inspector shall select at random from each lot the number of sample filled containers indicated in table 160.026-6(c), which shall be examined visually for compliance with the requirements of this subpart. If the number of defective cans exceeds the acceptance number shown in the table for the samples selected, the lot shall be rejected.
Table 160.026-6(c)--Sampling for Visual Inspection of Containers------------------------------------------------------------------------
No. of
Lot size cans in Acceptance
sample number------------------------------------------------------------------------800 and under................................ 35 0801 to 1,300................................. 50 11,301 to 3,200............................... 75 23,201 to 8,000............................... 110 38,001 and over............................... 150 4------------------------------------------------------------------------
(d) Laboratory tests of containers and water. The manufacturer shall select at random from each lot the number of sets of 11 filled sample containers indicated in Table 160.026-6(d1), which shall be forwarded to an independent laboratory accepted by the Coast Guard under 46 CFR 159.010. The independent laboratory shall perform the tests outlined in Table 160.026-6(d2). If any sample is found to be non-conforming in any of these tests, the lot shall be rejected.
Table 160.026-6(d1)--Sampling for Laboratory Tests------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of sets of samples to
Lot size be selected------------------------------------------------------------------------3,200 and under......................... 1 set of 11 containers each.3,201 and over.......................... 2 sets of 11 containers each.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Table 160.026-6(d)(2)--Description of Laboratory Tests------------------------------------------------------------------------
Number of containers per set of specification for
samples to be tested Type of test test procedure to
be followed------------------------------------------------------------------------2............................... Internal corrosion MIL-W-15117.
and vacuum.9............................... Bacteriological MIL-W-15117 and
limits and salt U.S. Public
content. Health ``Drinking
(e) Lot acceptance. When the independent laboratory is satisfied that the emergency drinking water meets the requirements of this subpart, the lot shall be accepted. When permitted by the independent laboratory, rejected lots may be resubmitted for official inspection, provided all containers in the lot have been reworked by the packer, and all defective units removed. Emergency drinking water from rejected lots may not, unless subsequently accepted, be sold or offered for sale under representation as being in compliance with this subpart or as being approved for use on merchant vessels. [CGFR 53-25, 18 FR 7865, Dec. 5, 1953, as amended by CGFR 65-9, 30 FR 11466, Sept. 8, 1965; CGD 75-186, 41 FR 10437, Mar. 11, 1976; CGD 95-028, 62 FR 51211, Sept. 30, 1997]