(a) The tests in this section are for life float platforms that do not meet the requirements of either Sec. 160.027-3(b) (1) or (2).
(b) The float body must be supported so that the platform is suspended in the air by the net or equivalent supporting arrangement. The platform must be loaded evenly with a weight equal to 60 percent of the weight of the total number of persons for which the float is to be rated, assuming a weight of 75 kg (165 lb.) per person. The weight must be allowed to remain on the platform for ten minutes after which it is removed. The supporting arrangement and platform must not show any evidence of damage or permanent deformation as a result of this test.
(c) The float body must be supported so that the platform is suspended in the air by the net or equivalent supporting arrangement. A bag of sand, shot or similar granular material weighing 90 kg (200 lb.) must be dropped onto the center of the platform from a height of 3 m (10 ft.). The supporting arrangement and platform must not show any damage that would affect the serviceability of the float or platform.
(d) As part of the buoyancy test required in Sec. 160.010-7(e) of this chapter, the platform must be loaded with weights equal to \1/2\ the rated capacity of the float. There must be no damage to the supporting arrangement or platform as a result of this test.
Note: Since the weights on the platform will be submerged during this test, allowance must be made for the displacement of the submerged weights. The weight required is calculated by the formula W = (18d)/(d-4895), where W is the required submerged weight per person (in kg) and d is the density of the material (in kg/m\3\). (In customary U.S. units, the formula is W = 40d)/(d-63) where W is in lb. and d is in lb./ft.\3\).
Subpart 160.028_Signal Pistols for Red Flare Distress Signals
Source: CGD 76-048a, CGD 76-048b, 44 FR 73078, Dec. 17, 1979, unless otherwise noted.