(a) Ten service projectiles, each machined from steel or bronze, weighing about 225 g (8 oz.), and having a shank of sufficient length to project slightly beyond the muzzle, with an eye at the upper end for securing the service line.
(b) Four service lines, each not less than 180 m (600 ft.) in length, of 1.5 mm (\1/16\-in.) or more in diameter, woven or braided nylon, very flexible, and having a breaking strength of not less than 625 N (140 lb.), or equivalent. Each line shall be one continuous length without splice, knot, or other weakening features and shall be made up or coiled in such way as to render it ready at all times for immediate use. The end of the line intended to be attached to projectile shall have securely attached thereto a substantial tag bearing a permanent legend indicating its purpose, and the other end of the line shall be tagged in the same manner to prevent delay in securing proper and immediate action with the equipment. The line shall be coiled or reeled in such manner that when all the line leaves the canister it automatically becomes unattached and free from the canister and the gun. The line canister shall be secured by clamps or brackets below the barrel of the gun.
(c) One auxiliary line consisting of at least 150 m (500 ft.) of 7.5 mm (3 in.) circumference manila complying with federal specification T-R-605.
(d) Twenty-five cartridges of the caliber and loading specified in the instructions furnished by the manufacturer of the gun. The cartridges shall be blank with waterproof paper wad.
(e) One cleaning rod with brush.
(f) One can of oil suitable for cleaning the gun and preserving the finish of the metal parts.
(g) Twelve wiping patches of a size suitable for cleaning the bore.
(h) One set of instructions including a list of the equipment furnished with the gun, the proper caliber and loading of the cartridges to be used in firing the gun, information as to the proper maintenance of the gun and equipment, and directions for loading and firing in service use shall be permanently engraved in plastic and mounted conspicuously in the case or box required by Sec. 160.031-4(i).
(i) A suitable case or box, properly compartmented for stowage of the appliance and auxiliary equipment, is required for stowage on merchant vessels. The auxiliary line need not be stowed in the case.