(a) The Commandant may consider the acceptance of a facility that conducts only the submergence test contained in Sec. 160.062-4(c)(2)(i). Before a facility is accepted by the Commandant to conduct this test, it must be inspected by the cognizant Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, to determine if it has--
(1) The testing apparatus to perform the test required in Sec. 160.062-4(c)(2)(i); and
(2) Employees competent to perform the test required in Sec. 160.062-4(c)(2)(i). Each employee who is engaged in testing a device must demonstrate his competence to the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection by conducting a submergence test.
(b) Based on the report of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, regarding the inspection required in paragraph (a) of this section, the Commandant notifies each applicant, in accordance with the procedures described in Sec. 160.062-7(b), whether or not it is an accepted testing facility. [CGD 73-153R, 40 FR 4422, Jan. 30, 1975]
Subpart 160.064_Marine Buoyant Devices