(a) Condition the flag, folded to \1/16\th its size or as packaged, whichever is smaller, by submersion in 5% by weight sodium chloride solution for 2 hours followed immediately by storage at 95% (5) related humidity and 40 [deg]C (3[deg]) (100 [deg]F 5[deg]) for at least 15 days.
(b) Unfold and suspend flag by the lines provided, secured through each grommet.
(c) Subject the flag to alternate 3 minute cycles of 5% by weight sodium chloride solution at 55 degrees (5[deg]) C and air blasts of 40 knots at 55 degrees (5[deg]) C, perpendicular to and over the entire surface of one side of the flag, without interruption for a period of not less than 24 hours.
(d) The flag fails the accelerated weathering test if
(1) After conditioning, the flag cannot be unfolded without damage,
(2) There is any tearing,
(3) The flag does not retain its bright red/orange color,
(4) The disc and square images no longer meet the requirements of Sec. 160.072-3(a)(3) or,
(5) There is any visible rot over more than 3% of the flag's surface.