A pamphlet that is consistent in format to that specified in UL 1123 (incorporated by reference, see Sec. 160.076-11) must be attached to each inflatable PFD sold or offered for sale in such a way that a prospective purchaser can read the pamphlet prior to purchase. The pamphlet text and layout must be submitted to the Commandant for approval. The text must be printed in each pamphlet exactly as approved by the Commandant. Additional information, instructions, or illustrations must not be included within the approved text and layout. Sample pamphlet text and layout may be obtained by contacting the Commandant. This pamphlet may be combined with the manual required by Sec. 160.076-37 if PFD selection and warning information is provided on the PFD packaging in such a way that it remains visible until purchase. [CGD 94-110, 60 FR 32848, June 23, 1995, as amended by USCG-2011-0076, 77 FR 19943, Apr. 3, 2012]