(a) General. The manufacturer must ensure that each shipping label, and each unit of put-up, is permanently and clearly marked in a color which contrasts with the color of the surface on which the marking is applied. Each label must be marked with--
(1) The manufacturer's or supplier's name, trade name, or symbol;
(2) The unique style, part, or model number of the material;
(3) The thickness of the material;
(4) The lot number of the material; and
(5) The product Use Code or Codes.
(b) Each unit of put-up must be marked with the appropriate recognized laboratory's certification marking(s).
Subpart 164.015_Plastic Foam, Unicellular, Buoyant, Sheet and Molded
Source: CGFR 65-37, 30 FR 11593, Sept. 10, 1965, unless otherwise noted.