(a) Extra charges shall be carried on board for 50 percent of each size and variety of fire extinguishers provided. If 50 percent of each size and variety of fire extinguishers carried gives a fractional result, extra charges shall be provided for the next largest whole number.
(1) The following is an example:
Fire extinguishers carried: Extra charges required
1................................... 1
2................................... 1
3................................... 2
4................................... 2
5................................... 3
(2) When the portable fire extinguisher is of such variety that it cannot be readily recharged by the vessel's personnel, one spare unit of the same classification shall be carried in lieu of spare charges for all such units of the same size and variety.
(b) Recharges, particularly the acid, used in charging soda-and-acid type of fire extinguishers, shall be packed in such manner that the filling operation (i.e., in recharging the extinguisher) can be performed without subjecting the person doing the recharging to undue risk of acid burns and shall be contained in Crown stopper type of bottle.
(c) [Reserved]
(d) Fire extinguishers shall be located in such places as in the judgment of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, will be most convenient and serviceable in case of emergency and so arranged that they may be easily removed from their fastenings.
(e) Every fire extinguisher provided shall be examined at each annual inspection to determine that it is still in good condition. Soda-and-acid and foam fire extinguishers shall be tested by discharging the contents, cleaning thoroughly, and then refilling. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers shall be checked by weighing to determine contents and if found to be more than 10 percent under required contents of carbon dioxide shall be recharged. Pump tank fire extinguishers shall be tested by pumping and discharging the contents, cleaning thoroughly, and then refilling or recharging. Cartridge-operated type fire extinguishers shall be checked by examining the extinguishing agents to determine if in still good condition and by examining the pressure cartridge. If the cartridge end is punctured, or it the cartridge is otherwise determined to have leaked or to be in an unsuitable condition, the pressure cartridge shall be rejected and a new one inserted. Stored pressure type extinguishers shall be checked by determining that the pressure gage is in the operating range, and the full charge of extinguishing agent is in the chamber. The hoses and nozzles of all fire extinguishers shall be inspected to see that they are clear and in good condition. [CGFR 51-11, 16 FR 3218, Apr. 12, 1951, as amended by CGFR 54-46, 19 FR 8708, Dec. 18, 1954; CGFR 59-21, 24 FR 7196, Sept. 5, 1959; CGFR 60-17, 25 FR 2667, Mar. 30, 1960; CGFR 62-17, 27 FR 9047, Sept. 11, 1962]