(a) Keys to magazine spaces and magazine chests shall be kept in the sole control or custody of the Master or one delegated qualified person at all times. Test fittings for magazine sprinkler systems shall be kept in a locked cabinet under the custody of the Master.
(b) Whenever explosives are stored in magazines and magazine chests they shall be inspected daily. Magazine inspection results and corrective action, when taken, shall be noted in the ship's log daily. Maximum and minimum temperatures for the previous 24-hour period shall be recorded in the ship's log along with general magazine condition and corrective action taken when necessary.
(c) The magazine sprinkler controls shall be tested monthly. Test results and all corrective actions taken shall be recorded in the ship's log.
(d) The Master shall limit access to the magazines, or the contents thereof, to persons who can document 3 months on board ship training in the use of explosives. This shall not be construed as prohibiting access to the Master or others designated by the Master.
Subpart 196.95_Pilot Boarding Operations