(a) Approved portable and semiportable extinguishers shall be installed in accordance with table 34.50-10(a). The location of the equipment shall be such as in the opinion of the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, will be most convenient in case of emergency. Where special circumstances exist, not covered by table 34.50-10(a), the Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may require such additional equipment as he deems necessary for the proper protection of the vessel.
(b) For additional portable extinguishers as a substitute for sand, see Sec. 34.55-10.
(c) Semiportable extinguishers shall be located in the open so as to be readily seen.
(d) If portable extinguishers are not located in the open or behind glass so that they may be readily seen they may be placed in enclosures together with the fire hose, provided such enclosures are marked as required by Sec. 35.40-25 of this subchapter.
(e) Portable extinguishers and their stations shall be numbered in accordance with Sec. 35.40-25 of this subchapter.
(f) Hand portable or semiportable extinguishers which are required on their nameplates to be protected from freezing shall not be located where freezing temperatures may be expected.
Table 34.50-10(a)--Portable and Semiportable Extinguishers----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Tank ships Tank barges---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Classification Area Classification
Quantity and location (see Sec. 34.50- (see Sec. 34.50- Quantity and
5) 5) location----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Safety Areas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 required..................... C-II.............. Wheelhouse and .................. None required.
chartroom area..1 required in vicinity of exit. C-II\1\........... Radio room.......... .................. None required.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accommodation Areas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 required in each main A-II or B-II...... Staterooms, toilet A-II or B-II...... 1 required in
passageway on each deck, spaces, public vicinity of exit
conveniently located, and so spaces, offices,
that no room is more than 75 etc., and
feet from an extinguisher. associated lockers,
storerooms, and
Service Areas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 required for each 2,500 B-II or C-II...... Galleys............. B-II or C-II...... 1 required,
square feet or fraction suitable for
thereof, suitable for hazard hazard involved.
involved.1 required for each 2,500 A-II or B-II...... Stores areas, .................. None required.
square feet or fraction including paint and
thereof, suitable for hazard lamp rooms.
Machinery Area \2\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 required \3\................. B-II.............. Spaces containing B-II.............. 1 required.\12\
oil fired boilers,
either main or
auxiliary, or any
fuel oil units
subject to the
discharge pressure
of the fuel oil
service pump.
and1 required..................... B-V\4\............1 required for each 1,000 B-II.............. Spaces containing .................. None required.
B.H.P., but not less than 2 internal combustion
nor more than 6 \5\. or gas turbine
and1 required \6 7\............... B-III.............1 required in vicinity of exit B-II.............. Auxiliary spaces B-II.............. 1 required in
\7\. containing internal vicinity of
combustion or gas exit. \7 9 12\
turbine units.1 required in vicinity of exit C-II.............. Auxiliary spaces .................. None required.
\8\. containing
Cargo Areas----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 required in lower pumproom... B.II.............. Pumprooms........... B-II.............. 1 required in
vicinity of
exit. \9 12\None required.................. .................. Cargo tank area..... B-II.............. 2 required. \10
B-V............... 1 required. \9
11\----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\1\ Vessels not on an international voyage may substitute 2 C-I.
\2\ A C-II shall be immediately available to the service generator and main switchboard areas, and further, a C-
II shall be conveniently located not more than 50 feet walking distance from any point in all main machinery
operating spaces. These extinguishers need not be in addition to other required extinguishers.\3\ Vessels of less than 1,000 gross tons require 1.\4\ Vessels of less than 1,000 gross tons may substitute 1 B-IV.\5\ Only 1 required for vessels under 65 feet in length.\6\ If oil burning donkey boiler fitted in space, the B-V previously required for the protection of the boiler
may be substituted. Not required where a fixed carbon dioxide system is installed.\7\ Not required on vessels of less than 300 gross tons if fuel has a flashpoint higher than 110 F.\8\ Not required on vessels of less than 300 gross tons.\9\ Not required if fixed system installed.\10\ If no cargo pump on barge, only one B-II required.\11\ Manned barges of 100 gross tons and over only.\12\ Not required on unmanned barges except during transfer of cargo, or operation of barge machinery, or
boilers. (See Sec. 35.35-1(c) of this chapter.) [CGFR 65-50, 30 FR 16694, Dec. 30, 1965, as amended by CGFR 70-143, 35 FR 19905, Dec. 30, 1970]