(a) The following vessels are exempt from the requirements of 46 U.S.C. 12102(c) as amended by the AFA until such time after October 1, 2001, as 50% of the interest owned and controlled in the vessel changes; provided, the vessel maintains eligibility for a fishery endorsement under the federal law that was in effect prior to the enactment of the AFA:
(1) EXCELLENCE (United States official number 967502);
(2) GOLDEN ALASKA (United States official number 651041);
(3) OCEAN PHOENIX (United States official number 296779);
(4) NORTHERN TRAVELER (United States official number 635986); and
(5) NORTHERN VOYAGER (United States official number 637398) or a replacement for the NORTHERN VOYAGER that complies with paragraphs 2, 5, and 6 of section 208(g) of the AFA.
(b) The NORTHERN VOYAGER (United States official number 637398) and NORTHERN TRAVELER (United States official number 635986) will forfeit the exemption under paragraph (a) of this section if the vessel is used in a fishery under the authority of a regional fishery management council other than the New England Fishery Management Council or Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council established, respectively, under subparagraphs (A) and (B) of section 302(a)(1) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1852(a)(1)(A) and (B)).
(c) The EXCELLENCE (United States official number 967502), GOLDEN ALASKA (United States official number 651041), and OCEAN PHOENIX (United States official number 296779) will forfeit their exemption under paragraph (a) of this section if the vessel is used to Harvest fish.
(d) Owners of vessels that are exempt from the new ownership and control requirements of the AFA and this part 356 pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section must still comply with the requirements for a fishery endorsement under the federal law that was in effect on October 21, 1998. The owners must submit to the Citizenship Approval Officer on an annual basis:
(1) An Affidavit of United States Citizenship in accordance with Sec. 356.15 demonstrating that they comply with the Controlling Interest requirements of section 2(b) of the 1916 Act. The Affidavit must note that the owner is claiming an exemption from the requirements of this part 356 pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section; and
(2) A description of the current ownership structure, a list of any changes in the ownership structure that have occurred since the filing of the last Affidavit, and a chronology of all changes in the ownership structure that have occurred since October 21, 1998.
(e) The following Fishing Industry Vessels are exempt from the new ownership and control standards under the AFA and this part 356 for vessel owners and Mortgagees:
(1) Fishing Industry Vessels engaged in fisheries in the exclusive economic zone under the authority of the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council established under section 302(a)(1)(H) of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. 1852(a)(1)(H)); and
(2) Purse seine vessels when they are engaged in tuna fishing in the Pacific Ocean outside the exclusive economic zone of the United States or pursuant to the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Treaty.
(f) Fishing Industry Vessels that are claiming the exemption provided for in paragraph (e) of this section must certify to the Citizenship Approval Officer that the vessel is exempt from the ownership and control requirements of this part 356 pursuant to the exemption in paragraph (e) of this section. The vessel owner will be required to follow the U.S. Coast Guard's procedures for documenting a vessel with a fishery endorsement, as in effect prior to the passage of the AFA. The vessel owner must also notify the Coast Guard's National Vessel Documentation Center that it is claiming an exemption from the ownership and control requirements of this part 356 pursuant to paragraph (e) of this section. [65 FR 44877, July 19, 2000, as amended at 68 FR 5583, Feb. 4, 2003]